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Briefing Rooms

Farm and Commodity Policy



The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008PDF file (2008 Farm Act) builds on previous policy and provides a new counter-cyclical revenue program and a permanent disaster fund for farmers. Government payments provide an important source of income to the farm sector, but U.S. farm policy has undergone significant changes over the last 15 to 20 years. Beginning with the 1985 Farm Act and continuing with farm legislation in 1990 and 1996, a series of fundamental changes in commodity and other agricultural policies moved the sector toward market-oriented decisions. Against a background of low commodity prices that spurred enactment of five supplemental emergency assistance packages, the new farm bill adds income stabilization provisions, among other new programs, to already existing policies.

ERS analysts evaluate the economic effects on producers, consumers, taxpayers, and rural communities of current farm legislation and alternative policy instruments and programs. This briefing room provides a background on farm policy and an explanation of the various programs. Also included is access to ERS analyses of the impacts of farm policy, commodity-specific farm programs, and commodity trade policy, highlighting the impacts of the 2008 Farm Act.


2008 Farm Bill Side By Side2008 Farm Bill Side-By-Side (August 2008) presents a title-by-title summary of key provisions of the 2008 Act in a side-by-side comparison with previous legislation. The side-by-side includes links to related ERS publications and to analyses of previous farm acts. New features include a user's guide, an A-Z list of major provisions, and a search function.

Recommended Readings

Effects of Reducing the Income Cap on Eligibility for Farm Program Payments (September 2007) evaluates the effects of changing the current $2.5-million income cap on eligibility for farm program payments to $200,000. This change would increase the number of farm households subject to the cap, but the share of recipients affected would still be small. Based on IRS tax data for 2004, about 1.2 percent of all farm sole proprietors and about 2 percent of crop share landlords would potentially be subject to the proposed lower cap.

Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions (May 2007) finds that market effects would likely be limited and confined to specific regions and commodities. Eliminating these planting restrictions for commodity program participants might enable some producers to switch from program crops to fruit and vegetables in such areas as California, the upper Midwest and the coastal plain in the Southeastern States. For the full report, see Eliminating Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: How Would Markets be Affected? (November 2006).

See all recommended readings...

Recommended Data Products

Farm Program Acres allows downloading and mapping of county-level farm program and planted acreage data for nine major program crops (corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, cotton, peanuts, and oilseeds).

Farm Programs, Price Supports, Participation, and Payment RatesExcel file contains program parameters for individual commodities.

CCC Net Outlays by Commodity and FunctionExcel file provides total Commodity Credit Corporation expenditures by commodity.

U.S. and State farm income data includes calendar-year data on direct government payments.

Price Support Loan and LDP Activity Reports includes data on year-to-date and the previous 4 years of marketing loan and loan deficiency payment expenditures.

National and County Commodity Loan Rates provides county and national marketing loan rates.

Season-Average Price Forecasts provides three Excel spreadsheet models that use futures prices to forecast the U.S. season-average price and counter-cyclical payment rate for corn, soybeans, and wheat. Users can view the model forecasts or create their own forecast by inserting different values for futures prices, basis values, or marketing weights.

WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Commitments Database is a queriable database on implementation of World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments organized for comparison across countries.

U.S. WTO Domestic Support Reduction Commitments and Notifications summarizes U.S. domestic support notifications to the WTO.

Recent Research Developments

ERS is evaluating the impacts of farm commodity programs on farm income and production decisions. The research focuses on incentives created by the Average Crop Revenue Election Program and the interactions of these payments with other elements of agricultural programs, such as direct payments, marketing loan benefits, and crop insurance. This project extends research on assessment of the Farm Act and on decoupled payments. Contact: Edwin Young.


Agricultural policy terms and definitions...

Questions and Answers

Frequent questions and answers about current and future programs...

Related Links

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture. Farm legislation and legislative proposals.

U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Farm legislation and legislative proposals.

University of Arkansas, National Agricultural Law Center. The Center's Farm Bills page provides full text and resources for all U.S. farm bills from 1933 to the present.

Maps and Images

Geographical Distribution of Farm Program Characteristics provides county-level maps on the distribution of base acres, Conservation Reserve Program acres, and commodity program payments.


Also at ERS...

Latest Publications

The National School Lunch Program Background, Trends, and Issues
The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform
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Wheat Outlook
Cotton and Wool Outlook

Latest Data Sets

Farm Program Acres
Season-Average Price Forecasts
Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set
U.S. Sweet Corn Statistics
Regional Agricultural Profiles System


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For more information, contact: Farm policy team (Edwin Young, James Stout, James Whitaker, Andrea Woolverton, Paul Westcott, and Anne Effland)

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Updated date: August 25, 2008