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GW professional services section and classified advertising

Firms may advertise their professional services in this section at an outstanding value—$620 for six issues!


Ads must run in six consecutive issues and no agency discounts are allowed. No equipment advertising is accepted in this section. Any changes after the approved copy is run in one issue will be charged at $50.


Mechanicals: 3.375" x 1.75" black-and-white only. Art produced by the publication free of charge, if desired. Other accepted formats: digital, negatives, or positives.


For an even better value, purchase a combination deal and advertise your service in both Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation® and Ground Water®—only $1,240 for 10 issues—and you'll get the 11th ad free!


Classified employment advertising: Undisplayed classified advertising is $12 per typeset line (approximately nine words per line).