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(Added July 22, 2008)


PGI 249. 470 Reporting of termination for default.


(1) No later than 10 calendar days after issuing any notice of termination for default, regardless of contract dollar value, the contracting officer shall report the termination through agency channels to the Director, Defense Procurement, Acquisition Policy, and Strategic Sourcing, ATTN: OUSD(AT&L)DPAP(CPIC), 3060 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3060. Information to be submitted shall include the following:

(i) Contractor name.

(ii) Contractor Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number.

(iii) Contractor Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code.

(iv) Contractor address.

(v) Contract number.

(vi) General description of supply or service.

(vii) Federal Supply Classification (FSC) Code.

(viii) Reason for termination.

(ix) Estimated dollar value of contract.

(x) Estimated dollar value of termination.

(xi) Contracting officer name.

(xii) Contracting officer address.

(xiii) Contracting officer e-mail address.

(xiv) Contracting officer phone number.

(xv) Any other information that the contracting officer determines is relevant.

(2) If the status of the termination for default changes, for example, from a termination for default to a termination for convenience, the status and information must be revised and submitted to the address in paragraph (1) of this section within 10 calendar days after the change. This revised information can be provided by either the contracting officer or the termination contracting officer.