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(Revised October 20, 2008)


(See DFARS 215.3 - Pop-up window, PGI Viewer mode)


PGI 215.303  Responsibilities.


      (b)(2)  The source selection plan-


                    (A)  Shall be prepared and maintained by a person designated by the source selection authority or as prescribed by agency procedures;


                    (B)  Shall be coordinated with the contracting officer and senior advisory group, if any, within the source selection organization; and


                    (C)  Shall include, as a minimum-


                            (1)  The organization, membership, and responsibilities of the source selection team;


                            (2)  A statement of the proposed evaluation factors and any significant subfactors and their relative importance;


                            (3)  A description of the evaluation process, including specific procedures and techniques to be used in evaluating proposals; and


                            (4)  A schedule of significant events in the source selection process, including documentation of the source selection decision and announcement of the source selection decision.


PGI 215.304  Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.


      (c)(i)(A)  Evaluation factors may include-


                    (1)  The extent to which such firms are specifically identified in proposals;


                    (2)  The extent of commitment to use such firms (for example, enforceable commitments are to be weighted more heavily than non-enforceable ones);


                    (3)  The complexity and variety of the work small firms are to perform;


                    (4)  The realism of the proposal;


                    (5)  Past performance of the offerors in complying with requirements of the clauses at FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns, and 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan; and


                            (6)  The extent of participation of such firms in terms of the value of the total acquisition.


PGI 215.370 Evaluation factor for employing or subcontracting with members of the Selected Reserve.

PGI 215.370-2 Evaluation factor.

(1) This evaluation factor may be used as an incentive to encourage contractors to use employees or individual subcontractors who are members of the Selected Reserve.

(2) As with all evaluation factors and subfactors, the contracting officer should consider the impact the inclusion of this factor will have on the resulting contract and weight it accordingly.

(3) The solicitation provision at 252.215-7005 requires an offeror to provide supporting documentation when stating an intent to use members of the Selected Reserve in the performance of the contract.