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Garden Master Program

The Master Gardener Program is an Educational Outreach Program that is part of the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension System.  The program started in 1978 and consists of horticulture training and an outreach component that focus on the community at large.  Master Gardeners are enthusiastic, willing to learn and share their knowledge and training with others.  What sets them apart from other home gardeners is their special horticultural training.  In exchange for this training, Master Gardeners commit time as volunteers working through their local Cooperative Extension Center and the Bartlett Arboretum in Stamford to provide horticultural-related information to the community.

Connecticut Master Gardener Association

The Connecticut Master Gardener Association is a non profit organization established in 1987 with a focus on education and outreach.  The association supports the UConn Master Gardener program by providing yearly scholarships and making available funds for various outreach projects for both the master gardener and advanced master gardener programs.

As a member of the Connecticut Master Gardener Association you will receive a quarterly newsletter, the opportunity to attend the annual symposium, garden tours and bus trips.  For more information click on:

How to become a certified Garden Master
How to become a certified Advanced Garden Master
Courses open to the public
Official Connecticut Master Gardener logo items
Contact us
Connecticut Master Gardener Association
mastergardener newsletter Quick Link:
© 2004 Home & Garden Education Center | UConn CANR Cooperative Extension System