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The Board of Regents
About Regents



Regents' Committees
Executive Committee
Audit and Review Committee
Compensation and Human Resources Committee
Facilities Committee
Finance Committee
Investment Committee
Governance and Nominating Committee
Strategic Planning and Programs
Other Standing or Special Committees
Print Version Board of Regents Committee Membership



The Regents rely on a number of their own committees, as well as the Secretary, his staff, and consultants, in the conduct of their business. For instance, there is established by law an Executive Committee, which regularly sets the agenda for each of the meetings of the Board and which is empowered to act on behalf of the Board when the Board is not in session. Other standing committees include:

With the exception of the Executive Committee, to which three members of the Board are elected in accordance with the statute, membership on the Regents' standing committees may include experts who are not members of the Board but who give graciously of their time and expertise without compensation. Each of the committees reports to the Board regularly on the conduct of its activities.

Much of the Regents' work is carried out by its committees. The committees usually meet at times between Regents' meetings and prepare reports to the Board on their findings, actions, and recommendations. Where authorized by the Regents' Bylaws, committees rely on management for staff assistance, include non-Regents as members, and may contract for services of consultants. Committees often rely on electronic communications as a means of including as many members as possible in their deliberations. Membership on most committees is recommended by the committee chairmen, endorsed by the Nominating Committee, and effected by appointment from the Chancellor with the approval of the Regents. Members of the Executive Committee and the Chancellor are nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Board.

The authority and purposes of the committees are grounded in statute (Title 20 of the United States Code), the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, and resolutions of the Board. The following is an overview of the committees, their activities, and membership. Non-Regent members of a committee are noted by an asterisk (*).

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Executive Committee

Executive Committee Charter

The Executive Committee is the only committee of the Board which was established in the original Charter Provisions of the Smithsonian in 1846: "The board shall . . . elect three of their own body as an executive committee . . . ."

The Bylaws of the Board of Regents state further that,

The Executive Committee shall have and may exercise all powers of the Board of Regents when the Board of Regents is not in session, except those expressly reserved to itself by the Board of Regents, provided that all such proceedings shall be reported to the Board of Regents when next the Board meets.

In practice, the Secretary and his Executive Assistant stay in close touch with the Executive Committee, and particularly its Chair, for assistance in resolving various issues as they develop. Occasionally the Board of Regents delegates responsibility to the Committee, or its Chair, to authorize certain actions by the Secretary.

The Committee meets regularly to determine the agenda for the meetings of the Board, usually about a week or ten days prior to each regularly scheduled business meeting of the Board of Regents. The Committee also schedules another meeting with the Secretary between each of the business meetings of the Board; typically, these meetings are informal and have no stated agenda.

Membership on the Executive Committee is open to any member of the Board but is limited to three who are elected by the Board. The Bylaws require that at least two of the members shall be citizen Regents. Current membership is as follows:

  • Roger Sant, Chair
  • Alan Spoon
  • Patty Stonesifer

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Audit and Review Committee

Audit and Review Committee Charter

Established under the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, the Audit and Review Committee is to consist of no fewer than three members of the Board. Appointed to the committee by the Chancellor with the approval of the Board, membership on this committee must include three Regents and may include any number of non-Regent experts. As stated in the Bylaws,

The audit and review committee shall do all things necessary to assure the Board that the Institution's accounting systems and internal financial controls are in good order and to facilitate communication between the Board of Regents and the Institution's internal auditors, its independent auditors, and those of the General Accounting Office. The audit and review committee shall provide a direct channel of communication between the Board of Regents and the Institution's independent auditors who shall be certified public accountants nominated by the committee and appointed by the Board of Regents. The audit and review committee shall review the Institution's operations for compliance with approved programs and policies and shall perform related functions as directed by the Board of Regents.

To carry out these functions, the Committee is authorized to employ outside professional assistance.

The Committee meets regularly between each of the Regents' meetings and presents its reports to the Regents in subsequent Regents' agendas. These meetings are usually attended by the Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Inspector General, the General Counsel, other appropriate Smithsonian offices, and representatives of the independent auditors.

  • John McCarter, Chair
  • Representative Sam Johnson
  • Shirley Ann Jackson
  • Robert Kogod
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Compensation and Human Resources Committee

Compensation and Human Resources Committee Charter

Established under Section 4.04 of the Bylaws and by vote of the Board of Regents on January 6, 2003, the Compensation and Human Resources Committee consists of five members (two of whom shall be members of the Executive Committee) and is charged with responsibility for considering annually (1) the Smithsonian's compensation philosophy, policies, and procedures as well as its determinations on reasonable compensation for the Secretary and executive staff of the Institution and (2) the state of human resources management at the Smithsonian and examining with management significant developments in such areas as staff relations, organization structure, management depth, diversity, and employee training.

Membership on the Compensation and Human Resources Committee currently consists of:

  • Patty Stonesifer, Chair
  • Senator Thad Cochran
  • Representative Xavier Becerra
  • John McCarter
  • Roger Sant

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Facilities Committee

Committee Charter

As provided under Section 4.04 of the Bylaws, the Facilities Committee was established as a standing committee by vote of the Board of Regents on November 19, 2007. Its members are appointed by the Chancellor with the Board's approval and must include at least three Regents. The Committee meets at least three times per year to assist the Board of Regents in (1) providing leadership and oversight for the revitalization and maintenance of the Smithsonian's physical plant and (2) engaging the Congress and other stakeholders to address on a continuing basis the Smithsonian's facilities capital needs.

Membership on the Facilities Revitalization Committee currently consists of:

  • Robert Kogod, Chair
  • Senator Patrick Leahy
  • Representative Xavier Becerra
  • Representative Sam Johnson
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Finance Committee

Committee Charter

Members of the Finance Committee are:

  • Eli Broad, Chair
  • Senator Thad Cochran
  • Robert Kogod
  • David Silfen*
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Investment Committee

The Investment Committee charter is being drafted.

Members of the Investment Committee are:

  • David Silfen*, Chair
  • Eli Broad
  • Alan Spoon
  • Afsaneh Beschloss*
  • J. Tomilson Hill III*
  • Hacker Caldwell*
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Governance and Nominating Committee

Committee Charter

Minutes of March 18, 2008 Meeting
Minutes of January 19, 2008 Meeting

As provided in the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, the Governance and Nominating Committee, consisting of at least three members of the Board (one of whom must be a member of the Executive Committee), is appointed by the Chancellor with the Regents' approval. The Bylaws stipulate,

The committee shall be responsible for recommending candidates for service as citizen members of the Board, for nominating candidates for election as Chancellor or members of the Executive Committee, and for such other nominations as may be required by the Board from time to time.

At the request of the Board of Regents, this Committee also proposes annually the membership and chairmanship of the Regents' committees. As with other committees, "The nominating committee may call upon the Institution's staff for assistance and may seek outside consultation or professional assistance in the performance of its duties."

The committee will also review all governance practices at the Smithsonian and conduct a review of comparable institutions' best practices. A plan for best practices for governance of the Smithsonian Institution will be submitted to the full board

Membership on the Governance and Nominating Committee currently consists of:

  • Shirley Ann Jackson, Chair
  • Senator Chris Dodd
  • Representative Doris Matsui
  • Patty Stonesifer
  • Diana Aviv*
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Committee Charter

Members of this Committee are:

  • Alan Spoon, Chair
  • Phillip Frost
  • Robert Kogod
  • Hacker Caldwell*
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Strategic Planning and Program

Committee Charter

Members of this Committee are:

  • Representative Doris Matsui, Chair
  • Senator Chris Dodd
  • Senator Patrick Leahy
  • Phillip Frost
  • Shirley Ann Jackson
  • Roger Sant, Ex Officio

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Other Standing or Special Committees

As provided in Section 4.04 of the Bylaws, the Board of Regents occasionally appoints other standing or special committees. In recent years, for instance, these have included Search Committees for the new Secretary and ad hoc Committees on Business, on Facilities, on Museum Admissions, on Donations and Executive Compensation.


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