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About Copley Custom Textbooks

Lab Manuals  :  Anthologies  :  Custom Textbooks  :  Student Handbooks
First-Year Experience Guides  :   Faculty's Own Original Works

Instructors work hard to develop a unique course that's fully in tune with their students, their teaching style, and their research. How can a cookie-cutter textbook begin to support it? And why depend on photocopies and homemade handouts when students can have a professional text, anthology, or manual with customized material for about the same price?

Now faculty can create their own textbooks — quickly, easily, and affordably

Copley Custom Textbook actual coverXanEdu® brings you the expert editorial services of Copley Custom Textbooks — publisher of quality custom texts since 1984.

“Since 1989, we…have created (and regularly recreated) textbooks for our 50-year-old humanities core program. Without Copley's expertise, innovative vision, and remarkable cooperation, we could not have succeeded in this worthwhile venture.”

— Peg Downs, PhD
University of North Carolina at Asheville

Whatever your requirements, our staff of experienced professionals will provide the research, design, and production services necessary to publish a high-quality textbook. Copley can:

  • Custom design a cover that reflects the author's institution, program and course, or view our selection of stock cover options.
  • Paginate the text and typeset the table of contents, title page, and acknowledgement page.
  • Assign an ISBN and copyright the textbook in the author or institution's name.
  • Format and proofread all original and OCR scanned material.
  • Typeset previously published materials using our state-of-the-art scanning capabilities.
  • Print, bind and deliver the textbook to a campus or local bookstore on time — at no cost to the author.
  • Create a custom website for each textbook to showcase the author's published work and even promote individual sales through XanEdu's e-commerce storefront!

“I am basking in the glow of positive responses to the [First-Year Experience] book…. I asked a freshman…how the course was going. She said she liked the course and immediately began using the first article to explain why she thought [the course] was useful…. This book is helping us achieve our goals for our freshmen.”

— Blake Thurman, PhD
Daemen College

Copley Custom Textbook actual cover

All of our services are prompt, personal, and professional — the kind of attention you should expect from a custom publishing house.

Best of all, XanEdu provides complete copyright clearance services with all of its products, including Copley Custom Textbooks and CoursePacks in traditional print, digital, and digital plus print formats. We ensure that all content is properly licensed and offer a 100% copyright compliance guarantee.

“[You] professionally designed the lab manual….The editing and proofreading…greatly enhanced the quality of the final product. Bowling Green State University surely made the right decision to award XanEdu the contract.”

— Kamau W. Mbuthia, PhD
Bowling Green State University

To request a free sample textbook and publishing guide or to start the process of creating your own textbook, call us toll free at 800-562-2147. Or email us at publish@copleycustom.com.

Download the Out-of-Print Books flyer, or complete Publishing Guide to learn more!

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