Infectious Disease News

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gene Therapy Corrects Sickle Cell Disease In Laboratory Study

Using a harmless virus to insert a corrective gene into mouse blood cells, scientists have alleviated sickle cell disease pathology. In their studies, ...  > full story

New Strategy For Broad Spectrum Anti-viral Drugs Developed

Bavituximab, a newly developed anti-viral drug shows promise as a new strategy to fight viral diseases, including potential bioterrorism ...  > full story

Inner Workings Of The Immune System Filmed

Forget what's number one at the box office this week. The most exciting new film features the intricate workings of the body, filmed by scientists using ground-breaking technology. ...  > full story

HIV Dementia: How Major HIV Strains Affect The Brain Differently

A new study has clarified how two major variants of HIV differ in their ability to cause neurologic complications. ...  > full story

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Cleaning Infected Blood

Infectious disease experts designed a machine called the hemopurifier. It works much like a dialysis machine, using thin fibers to capture and remove. ...  > full story

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