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Grants and Funding

Requests for Proposals

Provides grants and and funding information for invasive species. Resources are listed by closing date for applications (or letters of intent or pre-proposals) for the calendar year, with latest date listed first.

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IPM Partnership Grants Program
Northeastern Integrated Pest Management.
Approximately $465,000 is available to support projects that will address or develop regional IPM priorities and will further the mission of the Northeastern IPM Center.
Proposals due Dec 15, 2006.

Regional Integrated Pest Management Program - Western Central Region
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Competitive Grants Program supports research and extension projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension education programs. Estimated total program funding is $655,000.
The closing due date is Dec 11, 2006.

Regional Integrated Pest Management Program - Southern Region
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Competitive Grants Program supports research and extension projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension education programs.
The closing due date is Dec 6, 2006.

Bring Back the Natives: A Public-Private Partnership for Restoring Populations of Native Aquatic Species
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), USDA Forest Service (FS), and Trout Unlimited (TU), is pleased to request pre-proposals from nonprofit organizations, universities, Native American tribes, and local, state, and federal agencies interested in restoring native populations of sensitive or listed aquatic species.
Pre-proposals are due Dec 1 , 2006, and full proposals are due Feb 2, 2007.

Regional Integrated Pest Management Program - North Central Region
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Competitive Grants Program supports research and extension projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension education programs. Estimated total program funding is $755,000.
The closing due date is Nov 30, 2006.

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Wildlife Action Opportunities Fund
Wildlife Conservation Society.
The Wildlife Action Opportunities Fund provides competitive grants to conservation organizations that are focused on implementing priority actions and strategies identified in State Wildlife Action Plans. Grants are limited to nonprofit conservation organizations with 501(c)(3) status that are operating in any of the 50 states or six U.S. territories. Awards through the Wildlife Action opportunities Fund will be made in the range of $20,000 to $200,000. These grants will support projects that advance the implementation of State Wildlife Action. Funding priority will be placed on projects that are feasible and practical in 1-2 year time periods, are closely aligned with goals of State Wildlife Action Plans, involve multiple organizations, and may serve as models for conservation that can be replicated elsewhere.
The deadline for pre-proposals is Nov 17, 2006 at 5:00 PM Mountain Standard Time.

Regional Integrated Pest Management Program - Northeastern Region
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Competitive Grants Program supports research and extension projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension education programs. Estimated total program funding is $610,000.
The closing due date is Nov 17, 2006.

Great Lakes Watershed Restoration Program
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Projects must be located within U.S. portions of the Great Lakes watershed. Grants range between $35,000 and $100,000. Priority areas include: 1) Restore, enhance, and protect near shore and off shore native fish communities and other living resources and their habitats, to provide for a balanced ecosystem, and 2) Address terrestrial and aquatic invasive species throughout the Great Lakes watershed.
Applications must be postmarked no later than Nov 15, 2006.

Pulling Together Initiative - Public-Private Partnerships to Manage Invasive Weeds
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The Pulling Together Initiative (PTI) provides support on a competitive basis for the formation of local Weed Management Area (WMA) partnerships. These partnerships engage federal resource agencies, state and local governments, private landowners, and other interested parties in developing long-term weed management projects within the scope of an integrated pest management strategy.
Pre-proposals are due Oct 27, 2006, and full proposals are due Dec 15, 2006.

Legacy Resource Management Program
DOD. Legacy Program.
The Legacy program helps the DoD resource managers balance the need for military training and testing while protecting the DoD natural and cultural resources. Areas of emphasis include invasive species control.
Pre-proposals are due Sep 15, 2006, and full proposals are due Nov 15, 2006.

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Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program--Treatment Technology Demonstration Projects
This joint NOAA-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-U.S. Maritime Administration Program supports projects to develop, test, and demonstrate technologies that treat ships' ballast water in order to reduce the threat of introduction of aquatic invasive species to U.S. waters through the discharge of ballast water.
Preliminary proposals are due Sep 14, 2006 and Jan 10, 2007 for full proposals.

Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program--Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation Facility
This joint NOAA-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Program supports projects to develop, test, and demonstrate technologies that treat ships' ballast water in order to reduce the threat of introduction of aquatic invasive species to U.S. waters through the discharge of ballast water.
Preliminary proposals are due Sep 14, 2006 and Dec 19, 2006 for full proposals.

BASF Invasive Vegetation Management Matching Grant Program Request for Proposals
BASF Professional Vegetation Management.
This program provides up to $200,000 as non-federal matching funds for on-the-ground programs that include herbicide use for control of terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants. The goal of the program is to aid organizations in meeting matching funding requirements for federal or foundation grants, specifically to support the use of herbicides in an integrated vegetation management program.   BASF funding is to be utilized as part of the non-federal match for federal or foundation grants such as the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Pulling Together Initiative (PTI) Program.
Proposals should be submitted to james.bean@basf.com, no later than Friday, Aug 25, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

National Sea Grant College Program Aquatic Invasive Species Research and Outreach
The goal of this program is to discover and develop information and tools that can lead to the prevention, monitoring and control of aquatic invasive species threatening United States coastal, oceanic and Great Lakes communities, resources and ecosystems.
Preliminary proposals are due Aug 17, 2006 and Dec 19, 2006 for full proposals.

2007 Call for Proposals: Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species (PDF | 70 KB)
The Western Regional Panel (WRP) on Aquatic Nuisance Species requests proposals for projects that address WRP high priority issues for aquatic nuisance species (ANS). These projects will advance the goals of the WRP by developing tools and information to help prevent, monitor and control ANS in western North America.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Aug 8, 2006.

Fire Effects on Noxious Weeds - MT-RFA06-0004 (open Jun 22, 2006)
To develop an understanding of the effects of fire on weed invasion and determine effective control methods to restore rangeland on lands management by the Bureau of Land Management, Butte, Montana Field Office.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Jul 23 , 2006.

Wildlife Habitat Policy Research Program (WHPRP)
National Council for Science and the Environment.
The first Requests for Proposals (RFPs) by the new Wildlife Habitat Policy Research Program (WHPRP) will be issued on June 12, 2006 by the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). In total, the WHPRP will offer about ten RFPs ranging in size from $25,000 to $150,000 to be conducted over 12 months beginning November 1, 2006.
Letters of Intent due to NCSE by Jul 10, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

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Management of Exotics for Recovery of Endangered Species (PDF | 36 KB)
DOI. FWS. Middle Rio Grande Bosque Initiative.
This is the first notice of Request for Proposals (RFRP) for the Management of Exotics for Recovery of Endangered Species (MERES) habitat restoration program, Federal fiscal year 2006 (FY06). This program was established to encourage partners to collaborate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in habitat restoration to benefit endangered species. The focus area for MERES FY06 funds is the Middle Rio Grande watershed. Submission of proposals for on-the-ground habitat restoration projects is requested (Note: Multi-year proposals (up to 3-yars) will be considered for FY06 funds).
Proposals should be submitted no later than Monday, Jun 5, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM), Fiscal 2006
USDA. Economic Research Service.
The ERS Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM) is pleased to announce a fourth competitive awards program. This program solicits research proposals in three broad topic areas: (1) Institutions and Incentives for Efficient Invasive Species Prevention and Management, (2) Practical Decision Analysis for Invasive Species Management, and (3) International Dimensions of Invasive Species Management. Proposals should focus on economic research, and/or decision support system development, with direct implications to USDA policies and programs for protection from, control/management of, regulation concerning, or trade policy relating to invasive species.
Note: See Grants Awarded

USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) anticipates awarding approximately $1 million in fiscal 2006 for competitive grants and cooperative agreements. ERS will accept proposals under this program for funding levels, inclusive of indirect cost when applicable, between $50,000 and $250,000 (for the duration of the grant and/or the cooperative agreement, not to exceed 3 years).
Briefing Room - Invasive Species Management: PREISM Program.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Apr 28, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Aquatic Invasive Species Program (AISP) and the National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) - Aquatic Invasive Species Program 2006
AISP and the NSGCP are soliciting applications for aquatic invasive species research and outreach projects for specific activities listed in the PROGRAM GUIDANCE section in the Full Announcement. They include (1) human health-related outreach activities related to the invasive species Pterois volitans (lionfish) in the southeast United States, (2) research related to control of invasive Carcinus maenus (green crab), and (3) research and outreach related to the control of several species of tunicates invading the northern east and west coasts of North America and related fishing grounds. Funding Availability: It is expected that about $50,000 will be available from the NSGCP for these projects in FY 2006, and about $200,000 will be available from the AISP.
Application Deadline: Proposals must be received no later than 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Apr 24, 2006 (corrected date).

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Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Program
University of California - Davis. Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program.
The University of California Statewide IPM Program and the UC Riverside Center for Invasive Species Research (CISR) are soliciting new proposals for developing and promoting basic and applied research programs linked to extension, that address exotic pests and diseases found in agricultural, urban, and natural environments in California.
Deadline for submission: Apr 14, 2006.

Management and Control of Invasive Species Affecting Grazing Land
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Applications for grants ($50,000 to $500,000) to manage or control the spread of invasive species affecting grazing land are being sought. Up to $4,146,120 is available for projects. Approximately 40 grants are expected to be awarded. A 1:1 match is required. Proposals that address invasive species concerns on western range (grazing) lands will be given a priority.
Proposals are due into NRCS Headquarters by 5:00 p.m. on Apr 3, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

NOAA's Great Lakes Ecosystem Research
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) is actively involved in research on ecological prediction, aquatic invasive species, physical environment prediction, and environmental observing systems. Specific research projects include studies on the zebra mussel in the Great Lakes, the impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes and mid-U.S. water resources, the development of coastal environmental forecast systems, Great Lakes water supplies, water level forecasting, food web interactions and regulation and forecasting risks to Human Health (e.g. beach closings, drinking water quality and harmful algal blooms).
Closing Date for Applications: Mar 15, 2006.

CIPM 2006 Research Grants and Cooperative Weed Management Area Grants
Montana State University. Center for Invasive Plant Management.
Research Grants, which generally range from $5000 for Seed Money grants, up to as much as $20,000. The majority of our grants, however, are in the $5,000 range. The Center for Invasive Plant Management also has grants to support invasive plant prevention efforts in cooperative weed management areas (CWMAs). The goal of this program is to promote creative approaches to the prevention and early detection of invading plant species. Grants of up to $5,000 may be used for salaries and benefits, communications, meetings, subcontracts, and supplies. Overhead is limited to 10% of the total grant.
Due Mar 10, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

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FLEPPC Education and Outreach Small Grants
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council is soliciting grant proposals for non-native invasive plant education and outreach projects in the State of Florida.  The intent of these grants is to provide funding to organizations or individuals who wish to educate the public about non-native invasive plants and their affect on the environment and economy of Florida.  Proposals will be accepted from individuals, public or private nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions.
Proposal Due Date: Mar 1, 2006.

Aquatic Invasive Species Eradication Grant Program
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
This program will award State Assistance Funds for approved projects proposing to eradicate infestations of aquatic invasive species such as Eurasian watermilfoil, water chestnut, zebra mussels, common reed (Phragmites invasive strain), purple loosestrife, or others. Acceptable projects are proposals to kill and/or permanently remove plants or animals that meet the definition of aquatic invasive species or aquatic nuisance species from water bodies or wetlands in New York State. Projects that kill or remove only a portion of the total population of a target species are eligible for consideration even though removal of only a portion of the target species population is something less than eradication. Projects that do not result in the death or removal of a target species as the main objective would not be eligible for funding assistance. All applications must be postmarked by Feb 28, 2006.
Note: See Grants Awarded

Sudden Oak Death Research
USDA. Forest Service. Pacific Southwest Research Station.
In 2006, the USDA Forest Service will award approximately $650,000 for Sudden Oak Death/Phytophthora ramorum research. Through the 2006 SOD Request for Proposals (RFP), we will fund research, nationwide and internationally, to increase the understanding of Phytophthora ramorum/Sudden Oak Death. The knowledge will be used to guide development and implementation of regulatory policies, monitoring programs, and management and treatment strategies, to minimize spread of this quarantine pathogen. Proposals are due on or before Feb 24, 2006.

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.
(solicitation for FY 2007 was released Nov 10, 2005)
The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), will be funding environmental research and development in its core thrust area of Sustainable Infrastructure. The objective of this effort it to identify, develop, and transition environmental technologies that relate directly to defense mission accomplishment through tools and techniques that will permit the DoD to manage lands in a sustainable manner for natural resources (e.g. ecosystem management, land management, maritime sustainability), cultural resources, and the built infrastructure (e.g. air/water quality, solid waste, noise). This also encompasses the technologies required to sustain deployed forces. Invasive Species has the potential to reach parties interested in this funding opportunity -- Identification and Control of Non-Native Invasive Species Transport During Department of Defense Activities (PDF | 177 KB).
For the Core solicitation, pre-proposals from the non-federal sector are due Jan 5, 2006, and federal proposals are due Mar 16, 2006. All SEED proposals are due Mar 16, 2006.

Native Plant Conservation Initiative
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, in partnership with the Plant Conservation Alliance, is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for the 2006 Native Plant Conservation Initiative (NPCI). Through this initiative, grants of federal dollars will be provided to non-profit organizations and agencies at all levels of government to promote the conservation of native plants.
This Request for Proposals includes two separate grant cycles, with pre-proposal submission dates of Feb 17, 2006 and Aug 25, 2006.

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Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program (Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation Facility)
The Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program supports projects to develop, test, and demonstrate technologies that treat ships¿ ballast water in order to reduce the threat of introduction of aquatic invasive species to U.S. waters through the discharge of ballast water.
Closing Date for Applications: Feb 10, 2006.

Pierce's Disease Research Grants Program
Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Program
University of California - Davis. Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program.
The Pierce's Disease and Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (PD/GWSS) Board of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and the University of California (UC) Pierce's Disease Research Grants Program are accepting proposals for research projects on Pierce's disease and its vectors. Projects are being sought which will contribute to finding a solution to this serious disease of grapevines, and must be relevant to California conditions.
Proposals are due Feb 6, 2006.

Last Modified: Dec 02, 2008
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