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BMC Pulmonary Medicine


Melissa Norton, MD

Medical Editor
Jigisha Patel, MRCP PhD

In-house Editor
Mark Todd

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BMC Pulmonary Medicine is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of pulmonary and associated disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. BMC Pulmonary Medicine (ISSN 1471-2466) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE and Google Scholar.

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BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009, 9:1
Switching to alternative, cheaper inhaled corticosteroid devices for control of asthma without consulting a general practitioner results in poorer control of the condition, patients are therefore advised to consult their doctor before making this decision.
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Honeycomb.jpg
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:24
Incidence of interstitial lung disease diagnosed in hospital or out patients in Denmark between 1995 and 2005 has increased, especially in patients with associated systemic disease
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:19
Intestinal colonization with Bacteroides fragilis in three-week-old children appears to be associated with a positive Asthma Predictive Index, and may be a target for treatment and prevention studies in asthma

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Research article
Unsuspected and extensive transmission of a drug-susceptible Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain.
Ana I. Lopez-Calleja, Patricia Gavin, Ma Antonia Lezcano, Ma Asuncion Vitoria, Ma Jose Iglesias, Joaquin Guimbao, Ma Angeles Lazaro, Nalin Rastogi, Ma Jose Revillo, Carlos Martin, Sofia Samper
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009, 9:3 (14January2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Characteristics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Spain from a gender perspective.
Pilar Carrasco Garrido, Javier de Miguel Diez, Javier Rejas Gutierrez, Antonio Martin Centeno, Elena Gobartt Vazquez, Valentin Hernandez Barrera, Angel Gil de Miguel, Rodrigo Jimenez Garcia
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009, 9:2 (2January2009)
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Research article
Inhaled corticosteroids for asthma: impact of practice level device switching on asthma control
Mike Thomas, David Price, Henry Chrystyn, Andrew Lloyd, Angela E Williams, Julie von Ziegenweidt
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009, 9:1 (2January2009)
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Identification and management of adults with asthma prone to exacerbations: can we do better?
Neil C Thomson, Rekha Chaudhuri
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:27 (30December2008)
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Improvement in symptoms and pulmonary function of asthmatic patients due to their treatment according to the Global Strategy for Asthma Management (GINA)
Mohammad H Boskabady, Fariba Rezaeitalab, Najmah Rahimi, Damon Dehnavi
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:26 (22December2008)
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Characterization of a murine model of monocrotaline pyrrole-induced acute lung injury
Rio Dumitrascu, Silke Koebrich, Eva Dony, Norbert Weissmann, Rajkumar Savai, Soni S Pullamsetti, Hossein A Ghofrani, Arun Samidurai, Horst Traupe, Werner Seeger, Friedrich Grimminger, Ralph T Schermuly
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:25 (17December2008)
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The incidence of interstitial lung disease 1995-2005: a Danish nationwide population-based study
Jette B Kornum, Steffen Christensen, Miriam Grijota, Lars Pedersen, Pia Wogelius, Annette Beiderbeck, Henrik T Sorensen
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:24 (4November2008)
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High serum concentrations of autoantibodies to HSP47 in nonspecific interstitial pneumonia compared with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Tomoyuki Kakugawa, Shin-ichi Yokota, Hiroshi Mukae, Hiroshi Kubota, Noriho Sakamoto, Syunji Mizunoe, Yasuhiro Matsuoka, Jun-ichi Kadota, Nobuhiro Fujii, Kazuhiro Nagata, Shigeru Kohno
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Predictors of long time survival after lung cancer surgery: A retrospective cohort study
Kjetil Roth, Tom Ivar Lund Nilsen, Elisabeth Hatlen, Karina Svik Srensen, Torstein Hole, Rune Haaverstad
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:22 (27October2008)
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Autoadjusting-CPAP effect on serum Leptin concentrations in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea patients
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BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:21 (1October2008)
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Inhaled drugs to reduce exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a network meta-analysis
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A colonic splenic flexure tumour presenting as an empyema thoracis: a case report
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Gender and respiratory findings in workers occupationally exposed to organic aerosols: A meta analysis of 12 cross-sectional studies
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Locked lung by looped hernia: a case report
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