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Manager's Tool Kit
Grants and Funding

Requests for Proposals

Provides grants and and funding information for invasive species. Resources are listed by closing date for applications (or letters of intent or pre-proposals) for the calendar year, with latest date listed first.

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Exotic Species Program: Control Grants for Exotic Aquatic Plants
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Watershed Management Bureau.
Grants are awarded to local lake associations and municipalities for the control and treatment of exotic aquatic weeds, like milfoil. Funding is available to conduct approximately eight to ten management activities each year, and one or two innovative management projects. On average, the program disburses up to $90,000 annually for these grants.
Sept/Oct 2003- RFP Announced by DES
Dec 15, 2003 - Application Due Date
Feb 28, 2004 - Announcement of Grant Recipients
Dec 31, 2004- Final Report Due by Grant Applicant

NOAA Community-based Habitat Restoration National and Regional Partnership Grants
DOC. NOAA. National Marine Fishers Service.
Partnerships are a key element in community efforts to accomplish significant, on-the-ground habitat restoration. Partnerships established under the Community-based Restoration Program in 2001 have helped NOAA amplify financial resources and reach a larger, more diverse array of communities with strong vested interests in fishery habitat restoration. Partnerships have significantly leveraged available NOAA funds through cash match and local contributions, including land, volunteer support, and other in-kind services such as technical assistance, earthmoving activities and local knowledge. NOAA Restoration Center regional staff take an active role in partnership projects as needed, providing one-on-one technical and permitting assistance in restoring habitats required by marine and anadromous fish, endangered species, and other living marine resources. Restoring and protecting natural resources would be greatly limited without the advantages of partnerships.
Applications due: Dec 5, 2003.

T-STAR (Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research)
USDA. Cooperative States Research Education and Extension Service.

The program is designed to strengthen the research capabilities and economy of the United States' tropical-subtropical areas in the Caribbean and Pacific Basins. Much of the research conducted in the temperate United States is not applicable to these areas due to the large differences in climate, soils, crops, insect and diseases, as well as socio-economic constraints. Challenges include continuing plant disease pressure in the year-round growing season, control of alien pests and weeds in Caribbean and Pacific island agroecosystems and adjacent natural ecosystems, and post-harvest processing to extend shelf-life and preserve quality. Opportunities include new germplasm collection, maintenance, breeding, and genetic engineering for novel products, value-added processing and marketing of tropical crops, and restoration and maintenance of healthy agroecosystems. Regional agricultural research is critical to meeting the increasing challenges and opportunities in tropical island environments.
T-STAR Request for Proposals Due: Dec 1, 2003.

Pulling Together: A Public/Private Partnership for Invasive and Noxious Plant Management
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Department of Defense (DoD), the National Park Service (NPS), the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the Forest Service (FS), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), is pleased to solicit proposals from organizations interested in addressing invasive and noxious plant management issues.

The Pulling Together Initiative (PTI) provides a means for federal agencies to be full partners with state and local agencies, private landowners, and other interested parties in developing long-term weed management projects within the scope of an integrated pest management strategy. The goals of PTI are:

  • To prevent, manage, or eradicate invasive and noxious plants through a coordinated program of public/private partnerships.
  • To increase public awareness of the adverse impacts of invasive and noxious plants.

PTI 2004 will fund projects occurring between Jun 1, 2004, and Sep 30, 2005.
Proposals should be received by Dec 1, 2003.

Economics of Managing Invasive Species in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Areas of the U.S.- Hawaii RFP (scroll down page to view)
University of Hawaii at Manoa. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.
Due Nov 21, 2003

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Oregon State Weed Board Grant Program Instructions and Application, 2003-2005
Oregon Department of Agriculture.
The Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB) has approximately one million dollars that will become available during the 2003-2005 biennium for funding noxious weed control projects. It is a priority of the OSWB to fund projects that restore, enhance or protect fish and wildlife habitat, watershed function, native salmonid or water quality. The implementation of a comprehensive watershed approach to integrated control of noxious weeds is the most effective strategy to minimize impacts and protect natural resources in Oregon from invasive noxious weeds.
Applications must be postmarked by Aug 8, 2003.

Coral Reef Ecosystems Research in Hawaii and other U.S. Pacific waters - Request for Pre-proposals for CY2004 and CY2005
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory.
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (NCRCP) funds are for one to two year research projects that address the following priority research needs for the regions of interest: overfishing, pollution, invasive species, and coral bleaching, and the impact of these stressors on coral reef ecosystems.
Pre-proposals due Aug 4, 2003.
Final proposals due Sep 8, 2003.
Investigators will likely be notified of the outcomes of this process by mid-Dec 2003.

Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM), Fiscal 2003
USDA. Economics Research Service.
Proposals should focus on economic research, evaluation, modeling, and/or decision support system development that has direct implications for USDA policies and programs for protection from, control/management of, regulation concerning, or trade policy relating to invasive species. Anticipated funding in fiscal 2003 for competitive grants and cooperative research agreements will be approximately $1.5 million.
Applications must be transmitted by Jun 2, 2003.

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grants
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Funds projects to conserve and restore fish, wildlife, and native plants through challenge grant programs.

  • Bring Back the Natives
    Supports on-the-ground habitat restoration projects that benefit native aquatic species (e.g., native fish, aquatic insects, mollusks, and amphibians) in their historic range.
    2004 Preproposal Due Date: Oct 15, 2003
    2004 Notification Date: Mar 31, 2004
    2004 Full Proposal Due Date: Dec 15, 2003
  • The Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Program
    The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Foundation), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program
    The Small Watershed Grants Program provides grants to organizations working on a local level to protect and improve watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay basin, while building citizen-based resource stewardship. The purpose of the grants program is to address the water quality and living resource needs of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. The Small Watershed Grants Program has been designed to encourage the development and sharing of innovative ideas among the many organizations wishing to be involved in watershed protection activities.
    Applications must be postmarked no later than Feb 3, 2003.
  • Five-Star Restoration Challenge Grants
    National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
    Provides modest financial assistance on a competitive basis to support community-based wetland, riparian and coastal habitat restoration projects that build diverse partnerships and foster local natural resource stewardship through education, outreach and training activities.
    2003 Preproposal Due Date: NA
    2003 Notification Date: May 31, 2003
    2003 Full Proposal Due Date: Mar 3, 2003
  • Native Plant Conservation Initiative
    Supports on-the-ground conservation projects that protect, enhance, and/or restore native plant communities on public and private lands. Projects typically fall into one of three categories and may contain elements of each: protection and restoration, information and education, and inventory and assessment.
    2004 Preproposal Due Date: TBD
    2004 Notification Date: TBD
    2004 Full Proposal Due Date: TBD

Regional Initiative Grants
Environmental Protection Agency.
EPA is announcing the availability of approximately $500,000 in fiscal year 2003 grant/cooperative agreement funds under section 20 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) as amended. This funding is for grants to States and federally recognized Native American Tribes for research, public education, training, monitoring, demonstrations, and studies that advance pesticide risk reduction. Federal funding is limited to $40,000 per project and matching funds are not required. Projects which leverage funding from other sources are encouraged.
Applications must be received by the appropriate EPA Regional Office on or before May 16, 2003. EPA will make its award decisions by Jun 20, 2003.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
Requests applications for the National Research Initiative (NRI) Competitive Grants Program for fiscal year (FY) 2003 to support high priority fundamental and mission-linked research of importance in the biological, environmental, physical, and social sciences relevant to agriculture, food, and the environment. The anticipated amount available for support of this program in FY 2003 is approximately $112.5 million contingent on congressional action.
Note: All program deadline dates will change and be moved forward to one of the following dates: Oct 1, Nov 1, Dec 1, or Jan 15. The NRI deadline dates for FY 2003 are included at the end of the document.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 2003 Pulling Together Initiative Request for Proposals
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
This is an annual call for projects for the initiative entitled Pulling Together: A Public/Private Partnership for Invasive and Noxious Plant Management to be funded through a partnership program between the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Foundation) and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), Department of Defense (DOD), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and USDA-Forest Service (FS). The Pulling Together Initiative (PTI) provides a means for federal agencies to be full partners with state and local agencies, private landowners, and other interested parties in developing long-term weed management projects within the scope of an integrated pest management strategy. The deadline to receive proposals is Nov 6, 2002.

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Last Modified: Dec 02, 2008
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