members list

Support Affordable Textbooks Now and in the Future

The Used Textbook Association (UTA) is comprised of bookstore members working together to help reduce the cost of textbooks for students. We advocate the role and value of used textbooks in the educational marketplace.

There are many advantages to joining the Used Textbook Association. The UTA will help you promote your bookstore to your students, faculty, administrators and the community you serve as an advocate for used textbooks that lowers costs for students. You will have immediate access to more than 100 marketing tools, current industry research, updates on publisher tactics, easy-to-implement tool kits to guide you successfully through the used book processes and other resources to help you run successful books buys and drive early faculty adoptions. And – membership for your store includes access for your entire team. No need to pay for multiple memberships! Join today!

benefits of membership

UTA members can use our tool kits to strengthen book buys and increase more timely adoptions from faculty; making more used textbooks available on your campus. Learn more about the value of UTA.


The Used Textbook Association is the focus of an in-depth article in The College Store Magazine. The feature explains the UTA commitment to affordable textbooks for students. Link to full story