map of New England

Upcoming Events (more...)

Dec 3-4: Concord, NH
LID Conference for Construction and Development Industry

Feb 8-12, 2009: St. Louis, MO
CSREES National Water Conference external link
Planning committee will meet Mon Feb 9, 7-9 PM AND Tues Feb 10, 10AM-1PM

New England Onsite Wastewater Training Schedule
external link; Kingston, RI

Private Well Workshops external link; various, RI


News (more news...)

CSREES grants combined Regions 1 and 2 funding for four years. The new region, entitled the Northeast States and Caribbean Islands Regional Water Program, will have a new website by the end of 2008.

The Train-The-Trainer Manuals external link for Stormwater System Maintenance and Preventing Storm Water Pollution at your Public Works Facility from URI CE are now available.

Call for Abstracts external link announced for the 2009 CSREES National Water Conference.

Nov 2007 New England Regional Volunteer Monitoring Workshop Proceedings external link and the Dec 2007 New England Private Well Water Symposium Proceedings available.

Regional Review Document - Building on Expertise: A Collaborative Spirit Empowers Water Programs in New England (high resolution 37MB or low resolution 8MB) released.