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It's always been a "bright idea" to offer students top-quality case studies in course packs. And with content from IGI Publishing (formerly Idea Group) available in XanEdu, Business IT faculty can offer their students access to a selection of 400 of the most recognized cases in this complex and fast-changing discipline.

Spotlight on Business IT Case Studies from IGI Publishing

Let's shine a light on a few of IGI Publishing's most popular Business IT case studies:

A Dream Project Turns Nightmare: How Flawless Software Never Got Implemented
   Vital Roy and Benoit Aubert, HEC Montreal

The Impact of E-Commerce Technology on the Air Travel Industry
   Susan Gasson, Drexel University

Cyber-Learning in Cyber-Worlds
   Alexei Sourin and Olga Sourina, Nanyang Technological University
   Ekaterina Prasolova-Forland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

These cases, like all of those from IGI Publishing, are tailored for the undergraduate and MBA learning experience. They focus on real world organizations, from Fortune 500 leaders to small regional businesses, and each offers:

  • background information
  • project description
  • current status of case
  • questions for discussion
  • teaching notes
  • and much more

And while Business IT learning tools often cost in the hundreds of dollars, all of these useful features are included in a per-case price that helps faculty create the most budget-friendly course packs.

Business IT case studies from IGI Publishing and XanEdu. What a bright idea!

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