Why can’t I find a name in the Geographic Names Information System Database?
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USGS Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why can’t I find a name in the Geographic Names Information System Database?


The official form of the name might not correspond exactly to the words entered. However, the software is very flexible. Here are some guidelines.

Enter key word or words or leading letters of words in the name of the desired feature or features. (Note: The query does not search imbedded letters or ends of words.) The query returns records for all features with names containing the words or leading letters entered. If multiple words are entered, a Boolean “and” search is assumed. Words need not be contiguous in the name or in the right order.

Official Name and Variants: The query returns records for all features with the official name or variants (non-official names) matching the query, but only the official name displays in the results list. If a feature appears in the results list with a name different than the name entered, click on the name to view the feature details. The name entered will be listed among the variants.

Case: You may enter the name all lower case. Upper case letters are ignored. All appropriate names are returned regardless of case.

Diacritical Marks: Enter the name without diacritical marks. All appropriate names with and without diacritical marks are returned.

Exact Match: Check this box to search for only the exact version and spelling of the words entered. Names containing additional words are not returned. Example: “san francisco” – The search will not return “san francisco bay” or any other variation. If this box is not checked, all variations will be returned.

Exclude Variants: Check this box to return only features with the official name matching the query. Features with variants matching the query are not returned.

For more information contact the GNIS Manager.

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