FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          AG
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1995                             (202) 616-2777
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


          Administration's Position Carried Unanimously

     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- By voice vote, and without dissent, the
U.S. Senate today voted to spare the Crime Control Trust Fund from
budget cuts.  Sponsored by Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, the
resolution sets up a showdown with the House of Representatives,
which passed a budget resolution last week proposing cuts of more
than $5 billion from the Fund -- a cut of one-sixth from the total
Congress promised police and the American people in last year's
crime bill.  Attorney General Janet Reno has frequently spoken out
against cuts in the trust fund.
     "Proposals to scale back our fight against violent crime
shouldn't even be on the table," said Reno.  "These cuts could mean
fewer cells to house violent criminals and fewer police on
America's streets to fight them.  When we make promises, we ought
to keep them."
     The Trust Fund pays for the costs of the crime bill through
savings realized by ongoing cuts in the size of the federal
government, without new taxes or spending cuts.