FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          CR
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1995                             (202) 616-2765
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Attorneys General, past and present,
joined together today to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), hail its success and set the
record straight.
     "This is a common sense law that is making America more
accessible to millions of persons with disabilities," said Attorney
General Janet Reno.  "Without this law, millions of Americans would
be shut out of the mainstream of society."
     Passed with broad bipartisan support and signed into law five
years ago tomorrow, the ADA prohibits discrimination against
persons with disabilities in employment, state and local
governments, telecommunications, public accommodations and
     "The ADA is a success story.  Its enactment is one of the
prime achievements of the Bush Administration during my tenure as
Attorney General," said former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh. 
"Its vigorous and effective enforcement is a tribute to the
commitment of the Clinton Administration and the tenure of Janet
     The Justice Department, which enforces several provisions of
the Act, has settled more than 350 cases since the law went into
effect and has been party to 20 suits.
     "Our nation's civil rights laws have long received bipartisan
support -- and the ADA is no different," added Reno.   The former
and present top law enforcement officials spoke at "Voices of
Freedom: America Speaks Out on ADA," where they heard from
individuals with disabilities talk about how the law has made a
difference in their daily lives.  Individuals with disabilities
representing each of the 50 states attended the National Press Club
event, sponsored by the National Council on Disability.
     Referring to the representatives with disabilities, Reno said,
"You are the ambassadors for access.  You are the ones whose
stories must echo through the land and grace the pages of our
newspapers.  You are the ones who can demonstrate that businesses
should achieve access not just because it is the law -- but because
it is the right thing to do -- and because it is good for
     Reno and Thornburgh used the occasion to debunk several myths
about the law and set forth the facts, including:
    The ADA has resulted in surprisingly few suits -- only about
     650 nationwide since the law was passed;

    The ADA only requires a change to be made where it can be done
     without much difficulty or expense or where it will not result
     in an undue burden;

    Accommodating employees with disabilities can be done at
     little or no expense; and,

    The Justice Department seeks voluntary compliance through
     education and negotiation before resorting to litigation.

     A recent study commissioned by Sears indicates that of 436
reasonable accommodations provided by the company, 69% cost
nothing, 28% cost less than $1,000, and only 3% cost more than
     Last year Reno launched a national campaign to educate
Americans about their rights and obligations under the ADA.  The
campaign, which includes television and radio public service
announcements, promotes a toll-free ADA information line.  The
number is 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TDD).
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