Department of Justice Seal


SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1998 (202) 616-2777

TDD (202) 514-1888


"It would ordinarily be inappropriate for me to talk about internal Department of Justice deliberations, but because my recent statements have been misconstrued in the press I feel obligated to do so.

"Last year, when the Attorney General was considering whether to seek the appointment of an independent counsel, I recommended to her that she do so with respect to the telephone solicitations made by the President and the Vice President. I had a full opportunity to present my views to the Attorney General, as did others, and we discussed the issues thoroughly. At the end of the process, I was completely comfortable with her decision not to seek an independent counsel and with the process by which she reached that decision. I have never told anyone anything different.

"Since that time I have not recommended that she seek appointment of an independent counsel. The Attorney General regularly asks me whether I believe the evidence warrants that step and I always give her my candid advice, which has not included a recommendation that she seek an independent counsel.

"I do not intend to leave as head of the Task Force until my replacement has been chosen and an orderly transition can occur. The report which I am planning to write is an effort, in connection with the transition, to pull together all of the many strands of the investigation for the Attorney General and for my replacement. Of course, as always, if I conclude that the evidence and the law warrant appointment of an independent counsel, I will so recommend, as the Attorney General has always encouraged me to do.

"The Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General have fully supported the Task Force, and I have every confidence in the way they are handling the matter. They are committed to a vigorous investigation and prosecution of all campaign finance matters and have told me to pursue the evidence wherever it leads. That is what I have done and what I expect the Task Force to continue to do."

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