FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                        DAG
WENDSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1997       


     Jamie S. Gorelick announced today that she will be resigning
from her position as Deputy Attorney General to return to private
life.  Gorelick said she will remain in office long enough to
help Attorney General Janet Reno assemble a team to lead the
Department in the Clinton Administration's second term.  

     As the Justice Department's number two official since March
1994, Ms. Gorelick has served as the Department's chief operating
officer, provided overall supervision of the Department, and
functioned as the direct manager of its law enforcement
components.  She is one of the longest serving Deputies in the
Department's history, and second woman ever to hold the position.

     "Jamie brought tremendous managerial skill, brilliant legal
ability, and great sensitivity to an extremely difficult job,"
said Reno.  "Her contributions to the Department are
incalculable, and I will miss her greatly, both as a colleague
and as a friend."

     As Deputy Attorney General,  Gorelick introduced new
managerial structures to guide the Department in the midst of a
30 percent increase in the Department's personnel and a 70
percent budget increase during her tenure.

     One of Ms. Gorelick's principal priorities was to help
prepare the Justice Department to be able to respond effectively
to the new challenges of transnational crime and terrorism.  To
do this, she forged new relationships and administrative
protocols with the Departments of State, Treasury and Defense,
and with the intelligence community.

     The Deputy Attorney General also worked with the
Department's law enforcement components to better respond to
crisis situations in the aftermath of the incidents at Ruby Ridge
and Waco.  After the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma
City in April 1995, she coordinated the government's overall
response to the bombing and supervised the investigative and
prosecutorial response to the crisis.

     "In all of her work with law enforcement," Reno added,
"Jamie displayed a sensitivity to the civil liberties of our
citizens that gave comfort to all of us who care deeply about the

     Gorelick added, "I want to express my gratitude to the
President, for giving me the opportunity to serve this great
Department, and for his commitment to protecting the American
people and their liberties.  And I want to thank the Attorney
General for her friendship, and for leading this Department with
unmatched integrity and a commitment to the highest principles of

     Before joining the Department of Justice, Gorelick served
from May 1993 to April 1994 as General Counsel of the Department
of Defense.  As General Counsel, she supervised the government's
second-largest "law firm," consisting of 10,000 lawyers.  

     Gorelick, 46, is a former partner in the Washington law firm
of Miller, Cassidy, Larocca and Lewin, and a former President of
the District of Columbia Bar.  She graduated from Harvard College
in 1972, and from Harvard Law School in 1975.  She is married to
Richard Waldhorn, M.D., and has two children.