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Forest Products Laboratory Modernization Project

Thank you to all who submitted comments!
The public comment period for this action has ended and the final decision is listed below.

Decision Notice and Finding of
No Significant Impact (PDF, 1.1MB) »

Environmental Assessment for Proposed
Modernization of Facilities
(PDF, 1.1MB) »

Report of Archaeological Investigations Conducted
for the Proposed Forest Products Laboratory
Moderinazation Project, Madison, Wisconsin

(PDF, 5.1MB) »




Modernization Plan

Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact
Proposed Modernization of Facilities Project
US Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin

Decision and Reasons for the Decision


Since 1910, the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison (FPL), Wisconsin has served as the nation's leading wood research institute. FPL uses science and technology to conserve and extend the nation's forest resources, and its mission is to promote healthy forests and forest-based economies through the efficient, sustainable use of wood resources. FPL’s research scientists evaluate ways to promote clean water, better homes, improved recycling processes, and healthier forests, and have developed many breakthrough technologies that affect everyday life .

Adequate and up-to-date research facilities are critical to the success of any research program. Several of the FPL’s research facilities currently have aging equipment and inadequate facilities. The lack of available, unrestricted space severely limits the capability to use the existing equipment and to acquire and use state-of-the-art equipment, resulting in safety concerns. The FPL needs the proposed project to resolve existing safety concerns and support its goal of improving the functionality of the research facilities, enhancing employee productivity, achieving significant cost savings, and providing an improved working environment.

The environmental assessment (EA) documents the analysis of two alternatives to meet this need.


Based upon my review of the alternatives, I have decided to implement the Proposed Action. This involves construction of a new multi-use laboratory and an addition to the existing Fire Research Laboratory, the installation of new equipment in the Advanced Fiber Processing and Paper Products Laboratory, and the renovation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in the administrative office structure at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) complex.

My decision includes the installation and maintenance of best management practices for erosion control and development of plans for storm water management during the final design of the buildings. Following completion of construction, FPL will permanently stabilize all disturbed areas with a combination of grass, trees, and shrubs.

When compared to the No Action alternative, the Proposed Action will meet the purpose and need by improving the functionality of the FPL research laboratories and meeting sustainable objectives, including protection of the health of building occupants; efficient use of energy, water, and materials; and minimal environmental impacts. The project will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations applicable to construction and management of these facilities. This alternative meets requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and the Forest Service Notice, Comment, and Appeal Procedures at 36 CFR 215.

Other Alternatives Considered

In addition to the selected alternative, I considered one other alternative, No Action. Page 9 of the EA presents a comparison of these alternatives.

No Action

Under the No Action alternative, current management plans would continue to guide management of the project area.

Public Involvement

On May 2, 2006 during scoping, FPL mailed a proposal for modernization to potentially affected people, tribes, organizations, and other agencies for comment.

No person, tribe, organization, or other agency identified any substantive issues regarding the effects of the proposed action during scoping. A legal advertisement published in the Wisconsin State Journal and The Capital Times on August 3, 2006 publicized the completion of the Final EA and invited public comment. FPL received no comments on the Final EA during the public comment period.

Finding of No Significant Impact

After considering the environmental effects described in the EA, I have determined that these actions will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment considering the context and intensity of impacts (40 CFR 1508.27). Thus, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared. I base my finding on the following:

  1. My finding of no significant environmenal effects is not biased by the beneficial effects of the action.
  2. There will be no significant effects on public health and safety, because only slight beneficial impacts to employee health and safety from improved working conditions are likely to result. Noise during construction would be temporary and would not result in significant impacts. (See EA pages 15-16.)
  3. There will be no significant effects on unique characteristics of the area because proposed buildings will fit in with the existing land uses, landscaping, and buildings in this urban setting, and there is little habitat for wildlife and listed species. (See EA pages 20-24.)
  4. There are no ecologically critical areas such as historic or cultural resources, park lands, prime farmlands, welands, wild and scenic rivers within the project area that could be affected. (See EA pages 11-15).
  5. The action is not likely to establish a precedent for future actions with significant effects, because the construction will fit in with the existing land uses, landscaping, and buildings in this urban setting and is infill development on the campus. (see EA page 24.)
  6. The cumulative impacts are not significant. (See EA pages 27-28).
  7. The action will have no significant adverse effect on districts, sites, highways, structures, or objects listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, or cause loss or destruction of significant scientific, cultural, or historical resources, because none of these eligible historic or prehistoric sites exist within the project area (see EA pages 16-19). The Wisconsin Historical Society, Office of Preservation Planning, concurred with the findings that no historic properties will be affected in a letter dated August 22, 2006 .
  8. The action will not adversely affect any endangered or threatened species or its habitat that has been determined to be critical under the Endangered Species act of 1973, because there is little habitat for wildlife and no listed species will be affected. (See EA pages 20-24).
  9. The action will not violate Federal, State, and local laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. Applicable laws and regulations were considered in the EA.

Findings Required by Other Laws and Regulations

This decision to modernize FPL facilities through construction and other improvements is consistent with FPL objectives and Forest Service guidance, including the regulation requiring that new facilities meet the Silver Level of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.

In compliance with Executive Order (EO) 12898: Environmental Justice and EO 13045: Protection of Children, none of the activities under the Proposed Action will disproportionately affect minority and low-income populations or children under 18 years of age. (See EA pages 26-27.)

Administrative Review or Appeal Opportunities

This decision is not subject to administrative review (appeal) pursuant to 36 CFR Part 215.12 because FPL received no substantive comments expressing concerns during the 30-day comment period for the Final EA.

Implementation Date

Implementation of the decision may occur five (5) business days from the date of signature of this Decision Notice.


For additional information concerning this decision or the Forest Service appeal process, contact the FPL by mail to the FPL Modernization Project Manager, Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53726; or facsimile: (608) 231-9592. Find information regarding the EA electronically above.

/ S/

Forest Products Laboratory

Forest Products Laboratory
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726-2398
Voice: 608-231-9200
FAX: 608-231-9592
TTY: 608-231-9544

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