HARRIS WOFFORD ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES PENSYLVANIA LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES FOREIGN RELATIONS United States Senate SMALL BUSINESS WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3803 December 30, 1993 Assistant Attorney General Sheila F. Anthony U.S. Department of Justice Department of Congressional Affairs Room 1145 10th and Constitution Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Ms. Anthony, I write today regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. (b)(6) A curb in front of the house of XX of Richland, Pennsylvania, is being cut so that the town may build a ramp for the handicapped. Richland proposes to bill XX XX directly for the expense of installing this ramp. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, should the town of Richland pay for the ramp out of its general revenues, or should the town bill XX XX does not use a wheelchair; he does not need the ramp personally. Under the ADA, should he pay directly for the ramp in question, or should the town? Please advise me of the answer to this question in writing, so that I might reply to XX Sincerely, Harris Wofford 01-02956