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UC and the National Labs

EVP Bruce Darling

VP Lab Management

LMO Staff Directory

Lab Management

Research Opportunities

UC-DOE Contracts

Security Clearance Info



Department of Energy

Berkeley Lab (LBL)

Livermore Lab (LLNL)

Los Alamos Lab (LANL)

Whistleblower Policies


Laboratory Management

UC Security Clearance Information

The UC Research Security Office, a unit of the UC laboratory Administration Office (UCLMO), arranges for new DOE "Q" clearances as well as the updating of clearances. Through the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the unit arranges for the badging of UCLMO employees and other UC representatives whose work requires them to visit restricted areas of the Livermore and Los Alamos national laboratories and other DOE facilities.

The 2008 Security Refresher Briefing (download pdf version - 432kb) is mandated by both the DOE and the Department of Defense for UC Office of the President-cleared individuals. Additional information related to security clearances and other personnel security matters is under development. Previous Security Refresher Briefings: 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

Sensitive Countries Listing

Other Security Forms

Miscellaneous U.S. State Department Travel Briefings:

Worldwide Warning
China Consular Information Sheet
Avian Flu Information Sheet