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Supported by the RDC's Joint Venture Agroforestry Program
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'Design Principles for Farm Forestry: A Guide to Assist Farmers to Decide to Place Trees and Farm Plantations on Farms'
RIRDC/LWRRDC/FWPRDC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program

Design Principles cover

The 'Design Principles' book is an excellent resource and all MTG participants receive one free


The 'Design Principles' book has been written by a group of scientists on behalf of the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program. The first seven chapters review the design principles underlying the establishment and management of trees for each of seven different reasons. The latter chapters look at how farmers can design multipurpose forests for a range of benefits.

Each of the 10 chapters can now be downloaded below.

Introduction to the 'Design Principles book and about the authors- (pdf file 165 KB)

Chapter One: Trees for wood products - (pdf file 125 KB)

Chapter Two: Trees for controlling dryland salinity and waterlogging - (pdf file 432KB)

Chapter Three: Trees for soil conservation -(pdf file 148 KB)

Chapter Four: Trees for shade and shelter - (pdf file 278 KB)

Chapter Five: Trees and shrubs for fodder - (pdf file 118 KB)

Chapter Six: Trees for nature conservation -(pdf file 93KB)

Chapter Seven: Trees for scenic quality management - (pdf file 75 KB)

Chapter Eight: Capturing multiple benefits from agroforestry - (pdf file 250KB)

Chapter Nine: Establishment - (pdf file 62 KB)

Chapter Ten: Is the design you have selected viable on your farm? - (pdf file 79 KB)

Cost and Ordering:

You can order 'Design Principles for Farm Forestry' (1997, 102pp, Pub no 97/48) directly from RIRDC for $16.

Phone: (02) 6272 4819
Fax: (02) 6272 5877

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