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New Postal Rates Kick In Monday
By Mark Hrywna | May 8, 2009

New postal rates scheduled to take effect Monday will increase by an average of almost 4 percent but spike much higher for nonprofits mailing parcels and Non-Flat Machinables (NFM).

An analysis by the Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers (ANM) indicates the overall average increase for nonprofit Standard Parcels to be almost 40 percent, said Executive Director Tony Conway. The increases range within the classes, depending on what point in the mail stream it’s entered. Conway said rates are designed to encourage more work by mailers before they dump mail into the system.

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Conflicting Interests: What To Do And How To Do It
Charities are facing heightened scrutiny today from both regulators and the general public in situations where their directors, officers, and other insiders derive (or appear to derive) personal benefits from the organization.
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$50 Million Social Innovation Fund To Target Education, Health, Economy
First Lady Michelle Obama outlined education, health care and economic opportunity as three focus areas for the administration’s efforts to promote social innovation and entrepreneurship as a means to solve some of the nation’s problems.
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What Are Your Donors Reading?
In the search for upscale donors, publications like Forbes or Money are obvious choices for fundraisers targeting subscription lists.
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Social Networks Are Red Hot, Websites Are Diddlysquat
Nonprofits have plenty of room for improvement to their Web sites while their presence on online social networks is growing and expect to continue...
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Educational promises kept despite sour economy
Ron R. Kitchens is finding money despite the economic problems faced by the nation.
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3rd Annual DoGooderTV Nonprofit Video Awards
Congratulations to the winners of the 3rd Annual DoGooderTV Nonprofit Video Awards, co-sponsored by NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Network and See3 Communications! Watch the winning videos here.
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Special Offer from NonProfit Times and PR Newswire
The NonProfit Times has teamed up with PR Newswire to offer you a 12-month membership at no charge.
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New! NPT Store - 2009 Salary Survey is Here!
Purchase a previously published issue, NPT's Top 100, or a Salary Survey at NPT's new store front. The NPT Annual Salary Survey report, is a salary overview of the top positions at nonprofit organizations.
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Everything a manager needs in a quick-read format on a dozen topics.

6 ethical issues to discuss now
Nonprofit organizations must deal with issues of ethics on an almost constant basis.

Punch up your PowerPoint presentations
There are a number of software add-ins that can really punch up your PowerPoint presentations.

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New! An online forum for all your fundraising questions! Ask any fundraising related question, from special events to planned giving and endowments. Just submit your questions and an Industry profesional will answer it personally!

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Darfur is Dying is designed to raise awareness of the genocide taking place in Darfur and empower people to help stop the crisis.  

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