Some of America's most prominent people discuss important mentors in their lives -- family members, teachers, coaches, friends, neighbors -- who provided support, showed them the ropes, and helped them become who they are today.

Listen, watch, or read Celebrity Interviews.

The ReelPeople Project

The Harvard Mentoring Project invited real-life mentor/mentee pairs to share their stories for the chance to be featured in National Mentoring Month 2009 PSAs as part of the 2nd annual ReelPeople Project. The pair selected for this year's campaign was nominated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico.

Watch the PSA:
Charlie & Diontray (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico)




Colin Powell

Quincy Jones


Clint Eastwood


Ray Charles

Bill Clinton

Maya Angelou

Cal Ripken, Jr.

Oprah Winfrey

John McCain

Tom Brokaw

John Glenn

Richard Dreyfuss

Antwone Fisher

Edward James Olmos

Victoria Rowell

Mike Wallace

Brian Williams

and others...


General Colin L. Powell to Headline National Mentoring Month 2009

colin powell

Watch PSAs
Read Press Release


Thank Your Mentor Day set for
January 22, 2009

Pass It On...
Become a Mentor.

To learn about programs in your community that need volunteers, visit the website of MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership.

When you were growing up, was there someone--a family member, teacher, coach, or neighbor--who encouraged you and guided you?
Thank your mentor.
Take the time to reach
out and thank someone
who made a difference in
your life.
Mentoring programs in your community need more volunteers. Turn your lifetime of experience into the experience of a lifetime. Share what you know...Mentor a child.
January is National Mentoring Month. The White House, the U.S. Congress, leading media companies, and nonprofit groups have joined together to help recruit mentors for young people.
National Mentoring Month is spearheaded by the Harvard School of Public Health, MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership, and the Corporation for National and Community Service.

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© 2009 President and Fellows of Harvard College