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Earned Income Venturing

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The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI) is proud to present a conference call series for community and faith-based organizations on how non-profits can create earned income ventures.

Earned income venturing is the new frontier for fundraising. It is considered the for-profit activity that supports a non-profit venture. It is also a sustainable way to capitalize on the value of your organization. In the philanthropic community it is known as social entrepreneurship, social enterprise, mission-based venturing, and also venture-preneurship.

According to the most recent Internal Revenue Service data, non-profits generated $4.2 billion in one year from outside business dealings. A new study funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts also finds that faith-based organizations engaged in earned income venturing are better funded than those faith-based organizations that are not: 45 percent report annual budgets over $2 million, while 62 percent of the "non-venturing but interested" report annual budgets of $350,000 or less. Many non-profits have discovered that they can use earned incomes ventures to fund additional services and use their for-profit company to provide on-the-job training to their clientele.

A series of three conference calls on creating earned income ventures were held on March 5, 12, and 19, 2007. The following links provide the full audio recordings, transcripts, and informative slides from each of the conference calls.

**The U.S. Department of Labor is not responsible for the specific contents or the accuracy of the Earned Income Venture Conference Call Series. The content was developed by the primary presenters and does not reflect the official views of the U.S. Department of Labor.

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March 5, 2007 Conference Call: Earned Income Venturing: The Art of Making Money for Your Mission

The March 5, 2007, conference call, the first of three calls, introduces the general idea of earned income venturing. This conference call examines the rewards and challenges of establishing a for-profit enterprise to support your non-profit mission for years to come.

The following questions are answered in this presentation:

  • What is earned income venturing and who's doing it?
  • Why is venturing becoming a more popular form of fundraising?
  • What types of earned income ventures are common for faith-based and community organizations?
  • Is earned income venturing a viable fundraising option for your organization?
  • Where can I find more information and assistance for earned income venturing?

The moderator for the conference is Erica Sager Pelman, U.S. Department of Labor Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The conference also features two speakers: Ms. Bernice Sanders Smoot, President of Saint Wall Street, and Mr. Joseph Shattan, U.S. Small Business Administration Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

To access a complete transcript of the recorded conference, download the following PDF document.

Download the March 5, 2007 Conference Call Transcript (PDF — 32 KB)

To access the recorded conference call, click on the link below or copy and paste the entire URL into your browser. Then simply enter your name and company name, and click 'Login.'

Downloading the Media Player:
Before you listen to this conference call, you will need the latest RealNetworks RealPlayer® or RealOne Player®. If you don't already have the player on your computer, download it for free using the link below.


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March 12, 2007 Conference Call: Earned Income Models and Best Practices

The March 12, 2007, conference call, the second of three calls, discusses proven earned income venture models and best practices to make a venture successful.

The following topics are covered in this session:

  • A look at proven models, large and small, exploring how they started, how they serve, and how they prospered;
  • Interviews with leaders of successful faith-based and community ventures that are strengthening workforce development; and
  • A candid discussion and downloadable forms to assess your organization's capacity and readiness for earned income development.

The moderator for the conference is Bernice Sanders Smoot, President of Saint Wall Street. The conference also features three speakers, Lauri Alpern from The Enterprising Kitchen, Rev. Benny Sanders from Reach Across Houston, and Brendan Hurley from Goodwill of Greater Washington. The conference is hosted by Erica Sager Pelman, U.S. Department of Labor Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

To access a complete transcript of the recorded conference, download the following PDF document.

Download the March 12, 2007 Conference Call Transcript (PDF — 26 KB)

To access the recorded conference call, click on the link below or copy and paste the entire URL into your browser. Then simply enter your name and company name, and click 'Login.'

Downloading the Media Player:
Before you listen to this conference call, you will need the latest RealNetworks RealPlayer® or RealOne Player®. If you don't already have the player on your computer, download it for free using the link below.

March 19, 2007 Conference Call: Starting Your Earned Income Venture

The March 19, 2007, conference call, the third of three calls, discusses ways to assess your venture's feasibility, how to develop a fundable business plan, and how to secure capitalization for your venture.

The moderator for the conference is Erica Sager Pelman, U.S. Department of Labor Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The conference also features speaker Bernice Sanders Smoot, President of Saint Wall Street.

To access a complete transcript of the recorded conference, download the following PDF document.

Download the March 19, 2007 Conference Call Transcript (PDF — 30 KB)

To access the recorded conference call, click on the link below or copy and paste the entire URL into your browser. Then simply enter your name and company name, and click 'Login.'

Downloading the Media Player:
Before you listen to this conference call, you will need the latest RealNetworks RealPlayer® or RealOne Player®. If you don't already have the player on your computer, download it for free using the link below.

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More Information

If you would like to access additional information on establishing and financing earned income ventures, please visit the following Web sites:

U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist, and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. SBA recognizes that small business is critical to our economic strength, to building America's future, and to helping the United States compete in today's global marketplace. SBA provides a number of financial assistance programs for small businesses including 7(a), 504 and disaster assistance loans. For more information on these loans, please visit their Web site below.

The U.S. Small Business Administration also provides a number of entrepreneurial and earned income venture development programs, like the Counselors to America's Small Business (SCORE). SCORE is a program comprised of ex-business executives dedicated to mentoring individuals who want to start small businesses. SCORE has provided counseling and training to more than 12.5 million people. For more information on SCORE, please visit their web site below.

The Social Enterprise Alliance

The Social Enterprise Alliance is a membership organization that is devoted to helping build sustainable non-profits using earned-income strategies. Working primarily with non-profit practitioners and grant makers but also including technical consultants, for-profit businesses, and academics, SEA operates a network connecting entrepreneurial nonprofits with learning opportunities, technical assistance and other resources to help accomplish their mission. Helping both early stage non-profit entrepreneurs looking to learn how to start and run an organization as well as well-established groups hoping to exchange ideas with other leaders, the Social Enterprise Alliance links these executives with an ongoing forum addressing the needs and concerns of enterprising non-profits. Their website offers a chance to connect with other non-profits in addition to providing useful news, suggestions, and resources. For more information about the Social Enterprise Alliance, please visit their website below.

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