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Your Full Service Conference Planning Team

Site Selection


We all know the economy is facing a financial crisis and the travel, meeting, and hospitality industries are among many that are suffering and feeling the effects.  We need to produce more with less and that is not easy.


Let the Office of Conferences and Institutes help you.  With our volume buying power, expert negotiation skills, strong industry relationships, and collective expertise, we can help save you money and build a concrete foundation for a successful meeting.


Whether you are booking 10 or 1000 guestrooms, in Florida or Alaska, OCI can locate, evaluate, and contract the ideal venue for your next meeting.  And best of all, this comes at no cost to you!


The process is simple.  We talk to you about your meeting logistics.  We submit an RFP on your behalf.  We track all leads and present the top choices to you.  Once you decide which property you want to go with, we enter into the contract phase. Once complete, we would present a signature ready contract to you.


Begin the process by clicking on the link below and filling out some general information.  A member of our team will contact you and begin saving you time and money.


Don’t see what you are looking for? We can make it happen! 

Contact OCI for more information.

   UF/IFAS |Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI)
   PO Box 110750, Gainesville, FL 32611 | PHONE: (352) 392-5930