This conference has concluded -- the information is provided here to assist you in planning for your attendance at future conferences.
October 6-9, 2002

Westin Innisbrook

Palm Harbor, Florida

llIntroduction llField Trip
llTheme & Objective llEquipment Demonstration
llWho Should Attend? llMeeting Site and 
      Hotel Accommodations
llIndustry Trade Show
llArea Information
llAgenda llRelated Sites of Interest
llConference Registration llSteering Committee
llFor More Information
llManuscript Instructions llPRINT VERSION of Conference Information (PDF)
 Conference Program & Abstract Book
(PDF format)



Composting in the Southeast Conference and Exposition is a biennial event providing individuals and entities involved in composting with practical information on the science of composting, facility planning and design, regulations, economics, marketing, utilization, and other relevant and timely issues. The conference is a collaborative event planned by universities, industries and federal, state and local governments to represent both public and private interests in composting. A trade show and facility tours further enrich the conference agenda.

Return to index

Conference Theme and Objective

The purpose of this conference is to disseminate knowledge and information concerning composting in the southeast. Our goal is to provide participants with an update in the latest scientific and technological advances in all aspects of composting. 

Researchers, educators, technologists and entrepreneurs will reveal new technologies, report case studies, identify successful education programs and share successful experiences. Equally important, this conference provides an opportunity for participants to establish new contacts, share common concerns and maintain a regional network. 

Return to index

Who Should Attend?

The primary audience is comprised of researchers, educators and their students, technologists and entrepreneurs in the Southeastern United States responsible for addressing all aspects of composting and compost utilization.  This includes generators, handlers and processors of compostable organics; those involved with the bio-physical and socio-economic aspects of composting, technologies for achieving conditions favorable to composting; product testing, refinement, marketing, utilization; performance appraisals, successful educational programs and those charged with regulating any aspect of the compost chain of custody.

This Conference Will be of Special Interest To:

  • Plant Scientists 
  • Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers 
  • Soil and Water Scientists 
  • Compost Producers 
  • Resource Economists 
  • Environmental Regulators and Managers 
  • Agricultural and Horticultural Growers 
  • Municipal and Private Waste Managers 
  • Golf Course and Other Landscape Managers 
  • Extension and Environmental Educators 
  • Recycling Technologists 
  • Journalists and Industry Publication Editors 
  • Solid Waste Managers 
  • Recycling Coordinators 
  • Compost End Users and Producers 
  • Those Interested in Acquiring the Latest Technology and Equipment
10 Reasons Why Should You Be There!
    1. Increase your knowledge of the latest composting technologies and see equipment demonstrations.
    2. Learn the effects of composts on plant yield and quality.
    3. Discover what is economical and environmentally feasible.
    4. Find ways to recycle the largest component of the solid waste stream.
    5. Learn how to identify compostable organics.
    6. Save citizens the cost of waste entombment.
    7. Help farmers and growers restore organic matter in soil.
    8. Reduce the need for fertilizers, irrigation and pesticides in agriculture.
    9. Provide a science-basis for regulations.
    10. Meet people with common interests and establish new contacts.
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Industry Trade Show Exposition

A trade show is planned in conjunction with the conference and will feature numerous companies from throughout the country. Exhibitors will present a first-hand look at products, equipment and techniques used in the composting industry.  So whether you come as an exhibitor or attendee, Composting in the Southeast Conference and Exposition provides an excellent opportunity for you to:

  • Find valuable processing, recycling and marketing and utilization information to build your business
  • Stay on the cutting edge of the latest industry research, developments and technology
  • Discover solutions to challenging problems
  • Learn about government regulations and legislative trends which affect the industry
  • Be part of the network and shape the future of composting and compost utilization
  • Establish profitable connections with new business contacts
  • Present your company to hundreds of qualified attendees
  • Find supplies and services designed to help you in your operation
  • Enhance your company’s visibility through promotional and sponsorship opportunities
Exposition documents are available as PDF files. Simply click on the hyperlink of the document you would like to view/download/print.
Note: You need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to open and print the PDF file. (Available for free download.)

l*Invitation to Exhibit (PDF)
l*Exposition Floor Plan (PDF)
l*Exposition Rules & Regulations (PDF)
l*Exposition Registration Form (PDF)
You may also make application and register online with a credit card:
Click here for Online Credit Card Exposition Registration
via our SECURED server

If you have questions regarding the Exposition, please contact:
Mr. Bob Broom
Trade Show Technical Advisor
RKB Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 1415
Norfolk, VA 23501
PH (888) 475-2368 or (757) 622-0692
FAX: (757) 640-0239
Ms. Dianne Powers
Conference Coordinator
Office of Conferences and Institutes
University of Florida / IFAS
PO Box 110750
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750
PH (352) 392-5930 / FX (352) 392-9734


  • Amadas Industries
  • Bandit Industries, Inc.
  • Biogroup USA, Inc.
  • Brown Bear Corp.
  • Continental Biomass Industries, Inc.
  • Fecon, Inc.
  • Global Odor Control
  • Knight Industrial Division
  • Midwest Bio-Systems
  • Morbark, Inc.
  • Pioneer Machinery LLC
  • Plastics Solutions, Inc.
  • Powerscreen of Florida
  • Recycle Florida Today
  • Rodale Compost Quality Seal
  • Roto-Mix
  • SCAT Engineering, Inc.
  • SmithCo Side-Dump Trailers
  • US Compost Council
  • U.S. EPA
Return to index


Sunday, October 6, 2002
1:00pm-6:00pm Registration Office Open
1:00pm-4:30pm Vendors Set-up Exhibit Booths (Stirling Hall East)
6:00pm-7:30pm Early Bird Social in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)

Monday, October 7, 2002
7:30am-5:30pm Registration Office Open
7:45am-8:45am Early Morning Refreshments in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Opening General Session (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Wayne Smith,University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
8:45am-10:00am Welcome Address - Susan Latvala, Pinellas County Commissioner, District 4

Trace Elements and Beneficial Use of Organic Resources - Rufus L. Chaney, USDA-ARS-Animal Manure; Sally L. Brown, University of Washington, Seattle, WA and Byproducts Lab, Beltsville, MD; Allen P. Davis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; James A. Ryan, US-Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH; Urszula Kukier, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

10:00am-10:30am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Plenary Session (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Aziz Shiralipour, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
10:30am-12:00am The Organics Revolution of 2002 - Mitch Kessler, President, Kessler Consulting, Inc., Tampa, FL.

US Composting Council Market Development Initiatives - Ron Alexander, R. Alexander Associates, Inc., Apex, NC.

Florida’s Organics Recycling Initiative-FORCE - Garry Breeden, Sumter County Public Works Department, Sumter County, FL; Wayne Smith, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Francine Joyal, Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida.

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch Provided in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Concurrent Sessions A
Session A-1: Agricultural Utilization of Compost (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Bob Rynk, BioCycle/Compost Science and Utilization Journal
1:30pm-3:00pm Cabbage Production on Sand with Shredded Yard Waste and Reduced Irrigation Rates - Alexander A. Csizinszky, University of Florida, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Bradenton, FL.

Improving the Quality of Bell Pepper Transplants and Increasing Yield by Amending Transplant Growing Substrate with Compost - Darbie M. Granberry and Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez, University of Georgia, Department of Horticulture, Tifton, GA; Peter Germishuizen, Gromor Organics Inc., Tifton, GA.

Yield Differences and Economic Implications of Compost, Poultry Litter, and Fertilizer Amended Soils - C. A. Sherony, G. K. Evanylo and J. W. Pease, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences and Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Blacksburg, VA.

3:00pm-3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Session A-2: Compost Utilization-Nutrient Sources (Salons A, B & C)
Moderator: Donald Rockwood, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
1:30pm-3:00pm Water Quality Effects of Compost, Manure, and Fertilizer Use for Vegetables - G. K. Evanylo, C. A. Sherony and G. L. Mullins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Blacksburg, VA.

Availability of Poultry Litter Compost P to Fescue - Lawrence J. Sikora, USDA-ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability and Plant Uptake from Soil Treated with Composted and Uncomposted Poultry Litter - T. J. Tworkoski, P. R. Adler, L. J. Sikora and F. Takeda, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; D. Ferrier, Hood College, Frederick, MD; P. L. Preusch, Hood College and University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

3:00pm-3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Concurrent Sessions B
Session B-1: Compost Utilization for Erosion & Sediment Control (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Peter Stoffella, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
3:30pm-5:00pm A Historical Review on How Compost Helps Reduce Sediment and Prevent Erosion - Rod Tyler, Green Horizons, Grafton, OH.

Ryegrass Growth Response to Various Compost and Mulches - M. Minkara, L. M. RisseandB. Faucette, Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Erosion Control & Terraseeding Demo - C. Richard Weaver, Florida’s Mulch Express, Director of Alternative Markets, Tampa, FL.

6:00pm-7:30pm Welcome Reception on Garden Lawn
Session B-2: Agricultural Production & Economics (Salons A, B & C)
Moderator: Gregory Evanylo, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University
3:30pm-5:00pm Compost Utilization for Forest Crops in Florida - D. L. Rockwood, D. R. Carter, G. R. Alkerand D. M. Morse, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Cost-Benefit of Composted Municipal Wastes as Mulches for Citrus in Florida - Jim Graham and Ron Muraro, University of Florida, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, FL; Andy Pike, Blue Goose Growers, Ft. Pierce, FL.

Composting Animal Manures -- Is It Environmentally Friendly? - P. B. DeLaune and T. C. Daniel, University of Arkansas, Dept. of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Fayetteville, AR; P. A. Moore, Jr. , USDA-ARS, PPPSRU, Fayetteville, AR, J. L. Lemunyon, USDA-NRCS, Grazing Lands Institute, Ft. Worth, TX.

6:00pm-7:30pm Welcome Reception on Garden Lawn

Tuesday, October 8, 2002
7:30am-5:30pm Registration Office Open
7:30am-8:30am Early Morning Refreshments in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Concurrent Sessions C
Session C-1: Compost Utilization & Concerns (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Bill Carney, Louisiana State University
8:30am-10:00am Effects of Compost Amendment on Concentrations and Extractability of Heavy Metals, Nitrate, and Phosphate in Peat-based Containerized Media - Y. P. Xia, M. K. Zhang and X. E. Yang,Zhejiang University, Huajiachi Campus, Hangzhou, China; Z. L. He, Zhejiang University, Huajiachi Campus, Hangzhou, China and University of Florida, IFAS, Indian River Research & Education Center, Fort Pierce, FL; P. J. Stoffella and S. B. Wilson, University of Florida, IFAS, Indian River Research & Education Center, Fort Pierce, FL.

Prevalence and Fate of Clopyralid in Compost - A Review of Field Evidence and Research Results - Robert Rynk, BioCycle/JG Press, Inc., Emmaus, PA.

Compost Utilization and Concern for Plant, Animal and Human Health - Aziz Shiralipour, Center for Natural Resources, Biomass Programs, University of Florida, Gainesville FL.

10:00am-10:30am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Session C-2: Education & Outreach (Salons A, B & C)
Moderator: Chris Snow, Hillsborough County Solid Waste (Recycle Florida Today)
8:30am-10:00am Teaching Youth about Composting and Organic Waste Management Issues - Jerry Culen, Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Training in Production and Utilization of Composted Waste Materials to Improve Soils for Horticultural Cropping Systems - Monica Ozores-Hampton, University of Florida/IFAS, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee, FL; Nancy Roe, Farming System Research, Inc., Boynton Beach, FL; Herb H. Bryan, University of Florida, IFAS, Tropical Research and Education, Homestead, FL.

Incorporating Marketing and Public Education Programs into Your Composting Operation to Increase Product Demand - Odis E. Tyler, Texarkana Water Utilities, Texarkana, TX.

10:00am-10:30am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Concurrent Sessions D
Session D-1: Environmental Aspects (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Mitch Kessler, Kessler Consulting, Inc.
10:30am-12:00pm Characteristics of Rainfall Runoff from Biosolids Composting - K. C. Das, M. L. Cabrera and J. T. Kirkland, The University of Georgia, Departments of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Crop and Soil Sciences, Athens, GA.

Initial Water Quality Impacts of Compost and Mulch Blankets in Erosion Prevention Application - L. M Risse, L. B. Faucette and J. W. Gaskin, The University of Georgia Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Athens, GA; M. A. Nearing, The USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Lab, West Lafayette, IN; L. T. West, The University of Georgia Crop and Soil Science Department, Athens, GA.

Understanding and Dealing With Odor - Charles M. Alix, Tetra Tech, Inc., Stoughton, MA.

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch Provided in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Session D-2: The Business of Composting (Salons A, B & C)
Moderator: Craig Coker, Mountain Organic Materials, LLC
10:30am-12:00pm Business Planning for Starting a New Composting Facility - R. Keith Warren, Mountain Organic Materials, LLC, Candler, NC.

Composting Business Management - Craig S. Coker, Mountain Organic Materials, LLC, Candler, NC.

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch Provided in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Concurrent Sessions E
Session E-1: Marketing (Stirling Hall West)
Moderator: Rod Tyler, Green Horizons
1:30pm-3:00pm Factors Affecting Compost Markets in Florida - M. Rahmani, C. F. Kiker and A. W. Hodges, University of Florida, Food and Resource Economics Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

University of Georgia Conducts State Composting Assessment and Product Characterization - J. D. Governo, B. Faucette, S. A. Thompson and K. C. Das, University of Georgia, Engineering Outreach Service, Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Athens, GA.

Development of National Erosion Control Specifications for Compost - Ron Alexander, R. Alexander Associates, Inc., Apex, NC.

3:00pm-3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Session E-2: Case Studies (Salon A, B & C)
Moderator: Davy Simonson, USEPA
1:30pm-3:00pm A Comparison of Regulatory Approaches to Composting - D. J. Borden, J. W. Gaskin and J. Governo, University of Georgia, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Athens, GA.

Design and Performance of a Food Waste Composting Facility - Michael R. Thomas, P.E., EEE Consulting, Inc. Montpelier, VA; W. T. Davis, Virginia Department of Corrections, Richmond, VA.

Organic Wastes Recycling: Piloting a Large Grocery Chain - Barnes R. Bierck, Tetra Tech, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC; Dawn Reeves, Ruddick Corporation, Charlotte, NC; Allen Proctor, Harris Teeter, Inc., Charlotte, NC; Eric Wallace, Wallace Farm, Huntersville, NC.

3:00pm-3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall (Stirling Hall East)
Plenary Session (Stirling Hall West)
Moderators: Greg Evanylo, Virginia Tech. University; K. C. Das, University of Georgia
3:30pm-5:00pm Group Discussion
5:00pm Session Adjourns (Dinner on your own)
3:30pm-9:30pm Trade Show Participants: Dismantle Exhibit Booths

Wednesday, October 9, 2002
7:00am-7:30am Morning Refreshments prior to boarding busses
7:30am-3:00pm Field Trip to the Black Gold Composting Facility, the Sumter County Solid Waste Facility (SCSWF) and the Florida Organics Recycling Center for Excellence (FORCE).
(Refer to page 3 for agenda)
3:00pm Conference Concludes

Return to index

Conference Registration
Registration Fee
(includes: early bird social, daily refreshment breaks, 
two lunches, a welcome reception, one copy of the 
proceedings and conference materials) 
Early Reduced Registration Fee 
    (for fees postmarked on or before August 15, 2002)
$ 125
Regular & On-site Registration Fee
    (for fees postmarked after August 15, 2002)
$ 150
Student Registration Fee $   75
. .
Field Trip Fee
(includes transportation and participation in the
field trip tour, door prize drawings and lunch.)
Space is limited on field trip and registration 
will be on a first-come, first-served basis. 
$   50
    (Social & Welcome Reception Only)
$   75

Early registration deadline is August 15, 2002. 
Note: To qualify for the reduced registration fee, payment must accompany your registration
on or before the specified deadline.
To register:

Online registration has closed, all further registration must take place onsite. If you  wish, you may print the PDF file below and fill it out prior to your arrival to expedite onsite registration.

OR, you can:

Click here to load a form that can be printed to your printer, then return the form with payment to the Office of Conferences. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and print the PDF form file.)

Refund Policy: Requests for registration refunds will be honored if a written notification of cancellation is received by the Office of Conferences & Institutes on or before September 6, 2002. A $25.00 processing fee will be deducted from all refunds. Sorry, no refunds will be honored for cancellations after September 6, 2002.

Field Trip Refund Policy: The deadline to cancel your field trip registration is September 6, 2002. No refunds will be honored after September 6, 2002.

Special Needs:  Participants with special needs can be reasonably accommodated by contacting the Office of Conferences & Institutes at least 10 working days prior to the conference. We can be reached by phone at 1-352-392-5930, by fax at 1-352-392-9734, or by calling 1-800-955-8771 (TDD). The TDD number can only be accessed from within the State of Florida.

Return to index

Sponsorship Opportunities

The University of Florida and the Florida Organics Recycling Center for Excellence (FORCE) are proud to host the 2002 “Composting in the Southeast” Conference & Exposition. FORCE is a partnership between Sumter County Public Works Department, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. We encourage the commitment by industry associations, governmental agencies, firms, universities and other non-governmental organizations to become sponsors by providing additional financial support.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the 2002 conference, click Sponsor Form [PDF format] to load and print a document containing more information on sponsorship opportunities or contact one of the following conference representatives:
Mitch Kessler, President
Kessler Consulting, Inc.
innovative waste solutions
14620 N. Nebraska Ave., Bldg. D
Tampa, FL 33613
PH (813) 971-8333 / FAX (813) 971-8582
Wayne H. Smith, Director and Professor
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
University of Florida / IFAS
PO Box 110410
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
PH (352) 846-0850 / FAX (352) 392-1707

Return to index

Manuscript Instructions

All individuals selected for presentation are required to submit a manuscript by July 1, 2002. ALL selected papers will be included in the proceedings to be distributed at the conference on CD. Manuscripts MUST be submitted electronically, and must be formatted, prepared and submitted according to instructions on the conference web site. The complete paper should be no longer than TEN (10) pages in length, including a 500-word abstract, figures, graphs and references.

CLICK HERE for manuscript preparation and submission instructions.

For manuscript information or questions:
  Aziz Shiralipour
    Program Chairman
    Center for Natural Resources 
    University of Florida / IFAS 
    PO Box 110415 
    Gainesville, FL 32611-0415 
    PH: 352-392-1511 
    FAX: 352-392-2389 

Return to index

Field Trip 

Join us for a technical tour of the publicly owned Sumter County Solid Waste Facility (SCSWF) and a nearby privately owned animal manure composting company. Equipment demonstrations will be a prominent feature. 

The SCSWF is home to the Florida Organics Recycling Center for Excellence (FORCE) []. Since 1988, the County has been composting municipal solid waste through an integrated solid waste management system. The system incorporates front-end recovery of recyclables with in-vessel compost digesters. You'll get a first-hand look at these facilities and the FORCE project, including the materials recovery facility (MRF), two in-vessel digesters, the compost finishing building, and a University of Florida/IFAS compost research laboratory and demonstration farm, plus a whole lot more. Additionally, vendors will be offered an equipment display area and on-site demonstration opportunities at this facility. Included will be tub and horizontal grinders, screening equipment, mulch and compost application equipment, compost turners, front-end loaders, mulch coloring equipment, bagging equipment, erosion control vendors and anything related to the Organics Recycling Industry.

For all field trip participants, there will be door prizes during the lunch and vendor presentations that you will not want to miss.

In addition, you’ll visit an innovative privately-owned animal manure compost facility in Oxford, Florida. This facility produces successfully retailed composted cow manure. The company has a facility that processes and windrows a variety of animal manure and spent mushroom compost from local farms to create highly marketable specialty soils and growing media. The company supplies its product to various national discount chain stores and independent garden/nursery retailers. 

This dynamic tour is being offered on the last day of the conference. Be sure to register for the tour. Don't miss this opportunity to tour one of North America’s premier, state-of-the-art, municipal solid waste composting operations in Sumterville and a highly successful animal manure compost facility in neighboring Oxford.

Tentative Tour Schedule:

7:30AM Bus departs Westin Innisbrook Resort 
9:30AM-10:00AM Black Gold Composting Facility Tour – animal manure compost company
10:00AM Bus departs Black Gold Composting Facility
10:15AM-11:30AM FORCE Tour – Sumter County Solid Waste Facility (SCSWF)
11:30AM-12:30PM Lunch and Vendor Presentations – door prizes
12:30PM-5:00PM Equipment Demonstrations*
3:00PM First bus departs for Tampa International Airport
3:00PM Second bus departs for Westin Innisbrook Resort
*For participants with their own transportation, Equipment Demonstrations will be open until 5:00PM.

For further field trip information
   Chris Snow
     Hillsborough County Solid Waste 
     Management Department
     PO Box 1110 - 24th floor
     Tampa, FL 33601
     PH: 813 276-8404 / FAX: 813 276-2960
Return to index
Return to index

Equipment Demonstration

Composting equipment vendors are invited to to participate in the Composting in the Southeast Conference and Exposition Equipment Demonstration, scheduled for Wednesday, October 9, 2002 in Sumter County, Florida. The equipment demonstration is in conjunction with the Composting in Southeast Conference’s tour of the Florida Organics Recycling Center for Excellence (FORCE). See section above for more information.

We expect this event to be the largest organics recycling equipment demonstration in the Southeast this year.  We will be increasing the equipment demonstration participants over and above the conference attendees by promoting it to the State of Florida’s solid waste recycling industry and allowing non-conference participants to attend the equipment demonstration. We are also offering each equipment demonstrator the opportunity to invite up to five prospective customers to attend the equipment demonstration at FORCE as part of your equipment demonstrator registration fee.

This Equipment Demonstration will provide numerous opportunities to meet the people behind the FORCE project, which will be a major focus point for the organic recycling industry in the State of Florida; and organics producers, processors and end market users. Demonstration equipment desired include: Tub and Horizontal Grinders, Screening Equipment, Mulch and Compost Application Equipment, Compost Turners, Front-end Loaders, Mulch Coloring Equipment, Erosion Control Vendors, Bagging Equipment and anything related to the Organics Recycling Industry.

Furthermore, we will be providing a great lunch as part of the event. We will also include door prizes during the Lunch and Equipment Vendor Presentations, and would like to request a donation of your company’s promotional items such as: hats, jackets, cooler cups, shirts, etc. We trust your organization will support this endeavor and look forward to your participation. 

The tentative Field Tour Schedule is as follows:
10:15am-11:30am FORCE Tour
11:30am-12:30pm Lunch and Vendor Presentations
12:30pm-5:00pm Equipment Demonstrations

Registration fees include the demonstration of two pieces of equipment and lunch for your company’s representatives, equipment operators, and up to five prospective customer invitees.  For Composting in the Southeast Conference Exhibitors, the equipment demonstration fee is $350.  For all others, the equipment demonstration fee is $500. Registration must be received by September 30, 2002. Each additional piece of equipment is $100 over the two pieces included in your demonstration fee.

CLICK HERE for Equipment Demonstration Registration Form.
(You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and print the PDF form file.)

For questions or additional information, please contact:

Chris Snow, AICP, Principal Planner
Hillsborough County Solid Waste 
Management Department
PO Box 1110 - 24th floor
Tampa, FL 33601
Phone: (813) 276-8408
Fax: (813) 276-2960
  • Amerimulch
  • Bandit Industries, Inc.
  • Jet Compost Products
  • Knight Industrial Division / Brown Bear Corp 
  • Pioneer Machinery LLC
  • Powerscreen of Florida, Inc.
  • ROTO-Mix
  • SmithCo Side-Dump Trailers
 Return to index


Meeting Site and Hotel Accommodations

36750 U.S. Highway 19 North
Palm Harbor, Florida 34684
PH: 800-456-2000 / FAX: 727-942-5576

The Westin Innisbrook, just 25 miles from Tampa and proximal to the FORCE/Sumter County site, offers the perfect setting as one of Florida’s most prestigious conference facilities with 85,000 square feet of total function space and break-out rooms that will comfortably accommodate our educational sessions, trade show exhibits and poster displays. This 1,100-acre property features 700 luxurious guest suites; 72 holes of championship golf on four award-winning courses; a complete tennis, racquetball and fitness facility; a sophisticated meeting and convention center; plus outstanding dining in four restaurants, all just a few steps from your spacious suite. Guests enjoy six swimming pools, including the fabulous Loch Ness Pool and Spa, jogging and cycling trails, a wildlife preserve, and complete children's recreation center.

The Westin Innisbrook is offering participants of Composting in the Southeast Conference & Exposition a special guest room rate of $99.00 a night plus tax with one or two people in a room and $109.00 a night with three or four people in a room (rate includes a $10 resort fee). This very special group rate will be honored three days prior and three days following the conference, based on availability with advance reservations for those who wish to extend their stay. To make reservations, contact the Westin Innisbrook Reservations office at 1-800-456-2000. Be sure to identify yourself as a participant of Composting in the Southeast. All reservation requests will require a guarantee with a credit card or a one (1)-night advance payment on or before August 15, 2002. This advance payment is non-refundable if you do not arrive as scheduled, or if you change or cancel the reservation less than 72 hours prior to arrival. All deposits are charged at the time the reservation is made, and will be applied to the first night of reserved stay.

After the reservation deadline of August 15, guest rooms for participants of Composting in the Southeast will no longer be on hold and the discounted group rate may no longer be available.

Please Note: As this is a discounted group rate, it is not commissonable to travel agents.

Airport Transportation
Shuttle service is provided through Tampa International Airport to the Westin Innisbrook Resort. Reservations must be made the day before. Same day requests will be handled subject to availability. The cost for this service is $25 each way. Please call (727) 942-5202 for reservations. 

Resort Golf
For those wanting to play golf, the conference has been given a reduced rate of $60 for their Highlands South course for 10/6/02, with first tee time of 8:18 am and last tee time of 8:58 am. Golf starting times are scheduled in 8-9 minute intervals, and each starting time is allocated in its entirety, four (4) players per starting time. Golf fees are per player rates and include green and cart fee.  Golf fees are subject to 7% county tax.  Please call 727-942-5220 prior to September 15, 2002 so that their staff may be prepared to service Composting Conference participants properly.

Return to index

Area Information


Special Car Rental Rates
to conference attendees
from Enterprise
Florida Weather

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Related Sites of Interest

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Steering Committee Directory
Garry Breeden, Public Works Director
Sumter County
319 E. Anderson
Bushnell, FL  33513
Phone:  352-793-0240
Fax:  352-793-0247

Bob Broom, President
RKB Enterprises, Inc.
625 Mary Avenue
PO Box 1415
Norfolk, VA 23501
Phone: (888) 475-2368 or (757) 622-0692
Fax: (757) 640-0239

Bill Carney
W. A. Callegari Environmental Center
Louisiana State University Ag Center
PO Box 25100
Baton Rouge, LA  70894-5100
Phone: (225) 578-6998
Fax: (225) 578-2478

Bill Carter
Watershed Management Team    MC 147
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX  78711-3087
Phone:  512-239-6771
Fax:  512-239-4410

Craig Coker
Vice President
Mountain Organic Materials, LLC
PO Box 2440
Candler, NC 28715
Phone: (828) 230-8413
Fax: (828) 665-4759

K. C. Das
Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
University of Georgia
Driftmier Engineering Center
Athens, GA 30602-4435
Phone: (706) 542-8842
Fax: (706) 542-8806

Gregory K. Evanylo
Professor and Extension Specialist
Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
421 Smyth Hall
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-9739
Fax: (540) 231-3075

Mitch Kessler, President
Kessler Consulting, Inc.
14620 N. Nebraska Ave., Bldg. D
Tampa, FL 33613
Phone: (813) 971-8333 Ext. 11
Fax: (813) 971-8582

Rhonda Sherman-Huntoon
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
North Carolina State University
Box 7625
Raliegh, N.C. 27695-7625
Phone: (919) 515-9770
Fax: (919) 515-6772

Aziz Shiralipour
Associate Scientist
Center for Natural Resources
University of Florida
PO Box 110415
Gainesville, FL 32611-0415
Phone: (352) 392-1511
Fax: (352) 392-2389

Davy Simonson
Environmental Scientist
USEPA, Region 4, Solid Waste Program
61 Forsyth Street, SW - 10th floor SNAFC
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 562-8457
Fax (404) 562-8439

Wayne H. Smith
Director and Professor
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
University of Florida
PO Box 110410
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Phone: (352) 846-0850
Fax: (352) 392-1707

Chris Snow
Hillsborough County Solid Waste
Management Department
PO Box 1110 - 24th floor
Tampa, FL 33601
Phone: (813) 276-8404
Fax (813) 276-2960


Beth Miller-Tipton – Trade Show Coordinator
Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI)
University of Florida Leadership and 
   Education Foundation, Inc. (UFLEF)
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS)
Building 639, Mowry Road
PO Box 110750
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750
Phone: (352) 392-5930
Fax: (352) 392-9734

Dianne Powers, Conference Coordinator
Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI)
University of Florida Leadership and 
   Education Foundation, Inc. (UFLEF)
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS)
Building 639, Mowry Road
PO Box 110750
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750
Phone: (352) 392-5930
Fax: (352) 392-9734

Ann Marie Summitt, Project Administrator
Kessler Consulting, Inc.
14620 N. Nebraska Ave., Bldg. D
Tampa, FL 33613
Phone: (813)  971-8333 Ext. 18
Fax: (813)  971-8582

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For Further Information
Program Information:

Wayne H. Smith— Conference Organizer
Director and Professor
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
University of Florida
PO Box 110410
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Phone: (352) 846-0850
Fax: (352) 392-1707

Registration Information:

Dianne Powers — Conference Coordinator
IFAS Office of Conferences & Institutes (OCI)
University of Florida 
Leadership and Education Foundation, Inc. 
Building 639 Mowry Road 
PO Box 110750
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750
Phone: (352) 392-5930
Fax: (352) 392-9734 

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