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Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs
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Welcome to the world of fresh-cut herbs!

    Herbs can be decorative, cosmetic, aromatic, medicinal and culinary. The term fresh-cut herbs is generally used to define those used to flavor our food and beverages. These culinary herbs are used fresh rather than dried. The flavor of fresh herbs has far more zest than dried. Some herbs do not retain their flavor when dried and must be used fresh.

     Many people grow their own herbs to use but many more buy their herbs in supermarkets or at farmer's markets. Chefs all over the world buy fresh-cut herbs to enhance the flavor of all types of cuisine. Every ethnic group has at least one herb that is used to flavor their traditional dishes.

The worldwide popularity of fresh-cut herbs provides an opportunity for growers and gardeners everywhere to have their own successful business growing and selling fresh-cut herbs. People who love to grow herbs for their own use will learn the "insiders" secrets of professional herb growers to help them become better herb growers. Sandie Shores has written this definitive guide for both experienced and novice growers to help you be successful in your business. The newly revised edition offers even more information for aspiring commercial growers and is the only book to address this topic in depth.  New reduced price! 

The comprehensive revised edition of Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs is available from most internet booksellers, bookstores, and in libraries. It can be ordered here and the distributor, Independent Publishers Group  Independent Publishers Group

For wholesale book orders contact the special order department at Independent Publishers Group lorie@ipgbook.com 

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