Welcome To
The Pollination Home Page
(El Home Page De la Polinización)
Your portal to pollination information and images
Su porta a la información y a las imágenes de la polinización


Note #1: If you are looking for the Pollinator Partnership recently featured in Organic Gardening magazine,

their correct address is http://www.pollinator.org.    Enjoy your visit there.

(When you finish there, y'all are welcome to come back and visit here awhile.)


Note #2: We were pioneers in bringing attention to the pollinator situation, but I apologize that this page has gotten somewhat stale; as my life has taken a different turn lately. However, I intend to come back here as soon as I am able and upgrade this with a lot of great new information and even more new photos. Please be patient. Thanks...Pollinator

Now we return you to the previously scheduled programming...



poorblackberry.jpg (82746 bytes)

At left: Poorly pollinated blackberry.  The ovules in the center were not fertilized by a pollen grain, so they did not develop drupelets. The most likely cause was insufficient bee visits. To enlarge and compare with a well pollinated berry click on the image

Need bees for your crops? Choose from a worldwide list of beekeepers who provide pollination service. Click the pollination beekeeper link below. No endorsement implied by listing.

Pollination Beekeepers
(Apicultores que alquilan las colmenas de la abeja para la polinización)

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Can You Help?

   This page is provided as an informational service by the author.  At one time it was hoped that it could do a little commercial activity to at least pay its cost, but that hasn't panned out. You donation is much appreciated, to help keep the page up, and make improvements. It's simple to do by credit card via PayPal. Thank you.

  One looks at the incredible complexity and beauty of the pollination process, and says, "It's a cosmic accident." Another says, "I see evidence of a Designer." Each gambles, but only one can win. Who is the fool?


1. Managing Pollination,  (Index to pollination management resources)
What's buzzin' in my garden? - Identifying bees and (mostly beneficial) insects often mistaken for bees.
Pollination Information by Crop       (Also check McGregor's pollination handbook for specific crops)

2. Gallery One:  Index to onsite images: Flowers and their visitors:  bees, bee mimics, beetles, hymenopterans, flies and others. (Note: images are copyrighted, restrictions apply to use.)

3.  Kid's Good Bug Page   (Off site and under construction) Help for homework and school projects

4.  Photographic Plant/Pollinator Database   Many such databases exist (some are linked here) but this one features photos of plants and their pollinators, with notes.

5.  Side Trips:   Themes related to pollination


6.  More Beneficial Insects (and Other Helpful Creatures) Pollinators aren't the only good bugs.

7. News and Events:   a bulletin board

8. Commercial Links  (For info only, no endorsement implied)
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Honeybee: Buy/sell board Reader Ads: Bees and equipment for sale.   Note: We do not attempt to provide a list of commercial honeybee suppliers for purchase, as there are many such lists available. One we recommend can be found at Bee Source. Also check Beekeeper Resources here for more leads to links
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)    Pollination Beekeepers    Pollination service (beehive leasing for pollination)
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)    Help wanted/help available Employment in the Pollination/beekeeping world
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Other Bees and Pollinators:  Alternative Pollinator Vendors
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Vendors of Beneficial Insects
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Pollen Vendors
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Pheromones (Chemical Bee Attractants) 
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Tools and Equipment for pollination   

8. Essays

WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)  Hate 'em or Love 'em?    a brief essay
WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)  I've got no worms in my 'maters!  Without poisons!  In South Carolina!

9. Fun Stuff 

La abeja haragana  de Horacio Quiroga -  (Lazy bee), a folk tale from Uruguay (in Spanish)

10. Search   The Pollination Home Page with Google:

Search WWW Search pollinator.com

This page is dedicated to the One who created this earth, then entered it to redeem it.

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Google: A Search Engine that sorts out most of the junk
Clean Search: another way to avoid net trash
South Carolina Links
General Agricultural Info, Search Engines and Portal Sites

 Click to visit The Wired Seniors Network

Copyright:   This page in original form and with additions and modifications is Copyright 1996-2004, by David L. Green. Except for short quotes used with attribution, anything used from this web site must be with permission. For further information.

To Use Photos from this web site:

Disclaimer #1:  Opinions aren't facts; learn the art of discrimination. Opinions presented for your use and amusement; use at your own risk. No endorsement is implied for anything on linked pages. We cannot guarantee the validity of information, the honesty of the proprietors, nor the quality of products for sale, nor anything else.

Disclaimer #2  I gratefully acknowledge the help of many people on this page. But any errors are mine alone. My wife has been giving me some kind of herbal extract to make me smarter. It hasn't helped, but people do seem nicer to me.