
Links & Resources


An independent organization for policy research and civic education, whose mission is to equip citizens, develop leaders, and shape policy. Provides extensive information on Charitable Choice and insight on the faith-based initiative.
This site provides useful information on community collaboration. It discusses the value of community collaborations as well as tangible steps that communities can take towards obtaining these.
Sharing Knowledge, Strengthening Connections & Improving Outcomes. Offers networking opportunities and informational resources to equip faith-based practitioners, private philanthropists, and public administrators seeking to collaborate effectively to renew urban communities.
GuideStar's marketplace of information is the backbone of an effective, efficient and well-informed nonprofit sector. Using GuideStar, anyone with an interest in nonprofits can quickly find the answers they are looking for—certain in the knowledge that the information is the most comprehensive, current and accurate available—anywhere.

No other outlet offers the breadth of information, the powerful searchability, and the value-added tools and services that GuideStar provides.
A national non-partisan advocacy voice of the interfaith movement. Approximately 150,000 members from more than 70 faith traditions and people of good will united to: Promote democratic values, Defend religious liberty, Challenge hatred and religious bigotry and Reinvigorate informed civic participation.
Public/Private Ventures is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the effectiveness of social policies, programs and community initiatives, especially as they affect youth and young adults. In carrying out this mission, P/PV works with philanthropies, the public and business sectors, and nonprofit organizations.

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly
PBS Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly offers current stories, an online pressroom, feature sites, surveys and data on religion and ethics.
The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy provides impartial news and analysis of faith-based social services from the Rockefeller Institute, State University of New York.
We Care America works for the benefit of the poor and hurting through local, regional and national faith-based and community initiatives. We Care America and the We Care Alliance seek to help the hurting by: accessing resources, sharing best practices, mobilizing volunteers and engaging in advocacy and public policy that benefit the poor and hurting.
Economic Success Clearinghouse (formerly Welfare Information Network) connects individuals to resources about effective policies, programs and financing strategies that help low-income and working poor families. Economic Success Clearinghouse resources include: welfare, workforce development, work supports, income supplements and asset development.
The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives provides an overview of FBCI, speeches, executive orders, fact sheets, updated media releases and resource and information links.


White House Ten Centers for FBCI

These centers assist grassroots organizations in navigating the Federal funding process.