Alternative Pollinators
Informational Sites On this Page

Non-Apis Bee Vendor Lists
Bumblebees, Mason, Leafcutter, etc.

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Bumblebee with cotton pollen

What's Buzzin' in My Garden:  Visual aid to pollinator and beneficial insect identification
Forgotten Pollinators Campaign    Protecting pollinators, a lot of info on wild pollinators.
The Bee Works: a new site dedicated to alternative pollinators, Dr. Stephen Buchmann, pollinator biological diversity surveys, digital habitat maps, crop pollination quality evaluation, alternative crop pollination consulting, etc.
Alternative Pollinators, a paper from Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
Australian Native Bee Research, Center  saving Australia's wild bees
Bee Gardens by Dr. Stephen Buchmann    AZ
Gardening for Native Bees in North America  Dr. James Cane   UT
Enhancing Habitat for Native Bees    Xerces Society
Ames Experiment Station    Four bee species used in pollination experiments
Brazilian Stingless Bees
Researcher Marcia Maueron Amazon Pollination with Stingless Bees  (In Portuguese)
Photos of visitors to goldenrod and aster in South Carolina
The Giant Resin Bee (accidently imported from Japan) is spreading across the Southeastern US
More on the Giant Resin Bee
Identification of South Florida Bees
An introduction to solitery bees from Gordon's Earthlife Page
Frank Parker: Preserving Native Bee Species

Bumblebees   (Bombus)   Bumblebee photos   See also SC Bee Plants Image Galleries: Fall,  February,. March
Bumblebee Identifier    Interactive Online   University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Bulblebee Online Identification   GA
Breeding Bumblebees    Journal of Apicultural Research
Rearing Bumblebees in Canada
Bombus Biology
Who Sez Bumblebees Can't Fly:  Photos to prove it!
Bumblebees - the Exxential, Indefatigable Pollinators
Bumblebee Management for Maine Blueberries
Photo of a natural bumblebee nest in England, other info
A Survey of Bumblebee and Honeybee species and distribution in Virginia
The Debate on Introduction of Bumblebees to Australia
Distribution and Decline of British Bumblebees
Beehoo's List of Bumblebee Links
Bumblebee.nesting-boxes at   North Carolina
Bumblebee nest boxes at Kendall Bioresearch: England
Bumblebee nest construction by Tom Clothier (a delightful home page to brouse) Bumblebee habitat
Look Who's Dancing (Bumblebees)
A Grad Student works on Bumblebee Pollination in UK
Peter Oliphant's website on Bumblebees The Wisconsin Bumblebee
Oliphant's distribution chart of Bombus and Psithyrus in eastern USA
Bumble Bees Around the House
Bumblebee Gardening in Scotland
Using Bumble Bees in Maine for wild blueberries
Bumblebee Pollination in Sweden   (in Swedish)
Proposal to Import Bumblebees to Australia
IBRA symposium on Bumblebees    (International Bee Research Association)
Bumblebee Identification   (local species only)   Florida
Bumblebee Identification is western USA
Saving a starving bumblebee queen
Can a Bumblebee Fly?     An Experiment          Flight Photos
Plant-Pollinator Projects   Bumblebee surveys in Virginia
Bumblebees in a birdhouse gourd  photos from Tallahasee
Hummeln  (in German)
Greenhouse strawberry pollination with bumblebees   Cornell, NY
Stanghellini, M.S., J.T. Ambrose and J.R. Schultheis. 1996. Establishing bumble bees as supplementary pollinators for honey bees for watermelon. HortScience 31(4):668.
Stanghellini, M.S., J.T. Ambrose and J.R. Schultheis. 1996. Bumble bee: an alternative pollinator for cucumber. HortScience 31(5):746.
Stanghellini, M.S., J.T. Ambrose and J.R. Schultheis. 1997. The effects of honey bee and bumble bee pollination of fruit set and abortion of cucumber and watermelon. American Bee Journal. 137(5): 386-391.

    Bombus List:  to subscribe to a list on bumblebees, send an e-mail to:  listserv@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU  with the message:  subscribe BOMBUS-L  <your name>        Mostly for bumblebee researchers, not much on bumblebee culture

Bumblebee series by Dr. Keith Delaplane, Extension Entomologist,
University of Georgia

"Why Bumble Bees", pp 459-460 American Bee Journal, July 1995
"Bumble Beekeeping: The Queen Starter Box ABJ, Nov, 1995
"Bumble Beekeeping: Introducing Queens to Nest in Captivity" ABJ, Jan,1996
"Bumble Beekeeping: Handling Mature Colonies, Mating Queens" ABJ, Feb, 1996
  The American Bee Journal, 51S. 2nd St.,             Hamilton, IL 62341 217-847-3324

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Solitary Bees  Digger and Mason bee photos    See also SC Bee Plants Image Galleries: Fall,  February,. March
The Solitary Bee Home Page    Dr. Karen Strickler and Dr. Suzanne Batra's page.
Cactus Bees   Study of several solitary bee species that work cacti near Tucson Arizona
Carpenter bees and Blueberries
Small Carpenter Bees (Ceratina) Life Cycles   FL
Photos of leafcutter, squash, Osmia, bees
Back Yard Naturalist on Carpenter Bees
Large Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa) Life Cycles   FL
Passionfruit Pollination by Carpenter Bees
Hornface Trials in W. Virginia Orchards
Leafcutter Bee Culture and Use in Manitoba
Dr. Alebeek on mason bee nest construction, parasites and pollination activities.
Providing nest sites for alkali bees
A Bee Garden for Attracting Osmia   Karent Strickler    ID
Jan Tempelman's instructions for solitary bee nests (Netherlands)
Solitary bee and wasp nest instructions (Swedish)
Osmia coerulescens in New Zealand
Orchard Mason Bees, Pics, fromWashington State
Providing Homes for Mason Bees   Also: see Scott's Bee House Page under butterflies.
Leaf Cutter Bees
Raising Orchard Mason Bees   -  Arizona Fact Sheet
Current Status of the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee
Orchid Pollination with Euglossine Bees   Brazil
Buzz Pollination with Euglossine Bees to gather aromas used in mating  French Guiana
Solitary Bees Just Can't Leave Pollen Alone    article in The Hungry Gardener, The Oregonian
Solitary bees collecting azalea pollen (photos)
Costs of Leafcutter Bees on Alfalfa
Northumberland Berry Works uses solitary bees
Low-tech nesting boxes for Osmia  (The first sentence of this work is debatable, but there is some interesting practical experience here.)
Arizona Fact Sheet on Solitary Bees
Sunflower Pollination  With Leafcutter Bees
Parasitic wasps are a problem in culture of Osmia coerulescens in New Zealand
Photos of Andrena (digger bees) on Photina
Squash Bees (Peponapis) in Ontario
Proposal to introduce squash bees to Eurasia    (a native American bee)

Solitary Bee drawings at Gordon's Earthlife Page
Aspectos de Meliponicultura en Mexico   (in Spanish)   Rearing Melipones bees

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Copyright 2001, by David L. Green
Carpenter Bee on Holly

Syrphids and other flies
The syrphid mailing list
Blue Bottle Flies for Veggie Pollination

Butterflies and moths
Butterfly Gardens    Brooklyn Botanical Gardens    More Butterfly Garden Articles
Visit a Butterfly Garden
Butterly Gardening in Texas
Butterfly brain power and how it affects pollination
All About Butterflies  (for kids, and kids trapped in adult bodies)
California Butterfly Plants      some nice photography
More Butterfly Plants
Butterflies and Their Larval Plant Foods CA
Caterpillar Identification Guide  plus lots of butterfly links
Butterflies of North America:  photos to help ID
Butterfly Web Site     Butterfly farming and gardening
Pollinator Habitat     Butterfly gardening   PA
Monarch Watch at Clermont College   OH
How to raise Saturnid Moths
Texas butterfly plants and tips
Bee and Butterfly homes at Scott's Bee House Page
Carolinaleps mailing list, about lepidoptera (butterflies, moths, skippers in the southeast): 
Send message text "subscribe carolinaleps" (without the quotes) to . Leave the subject line blank, and do not write anything else in your message text.
Caterpillars of North America
Our own Caterpillar/food-plant database
Sphinx moth, not a bee, not a hummingbird, but sorta mimics both.  Too delicate to be a major pollinator, but helps some.

Vertibrate Pollinators
Bats and Hummingbirds as Pollinators in Arizona
Bird Pollinators in Brazil
Bees taking over for birds in New Zealand

Bats as Pollinators of Plants in the Lowland Forests of Central French Guiana
Bat Conservation International Run a search for pollinators, pollination for articles

Pollinator Identification:

US butterflies by state in the US  with photos, habitat, larval and adult food plants, etc. 
    -At the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center 
Common Missouri Wasps & Bees
Gordon's Entomological Page
Automated bee identification thru computer analysis of wing veination  An exciting research project in Germany


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