Want to know more about how to complete a local environmental service project? You can follow the easy the steps in the Give Water A Hand Action Guide, summarized below:

Learn about water in your vicinity. Find out where it is located, how people use it, where rainfall flows, and what sources of pollution exist that might affect water quality. Make a map of your watershed, to get the big picture.

Investigate the needs for action. Use one of the four Action Guide checklists to explore water issues in the school, home, community, and farm.

Choose a project and ask experts to help. Select a service project you'd like to complete that addresses a local problem you've identified. The Action Guide will help you choose your project and find local experts that can help.

Plan and implement your project. Now you've picked a project, how is your group going to get it done? Everyone can contribute and you'll learn how to assess when progress is made.

Celebrate your success! Every action taken is a step in the right direction. Give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate your efforts to Give Water A Hand!

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