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Outreach Programs
Community-based Environmental Education
Conservation Training programs
Invasive Species
Pollution Prevention topics
Water Resources
Youth Water Education
State Projects and Initiatives
Discovery Farms

Information about hazardous waste collection programs in Wisconsin

National Projects and Initiatives
Farm and Home Environmental Management Programs Great Lakes Regional Water Quality Coordination
USDA CSREES National Facilitation Projects
Changing Public Behavior
Pollution Assessment and Prevention
Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
Water Outreach Education--Best Education Practices

The Environmental Resources Center (ERC) promotes informed decision making on natural resource issues in Wisconsin and nationwide by working in partnership with individuals, community leaders, and resource professionals to develop and deliver research-based educational programs and materials.

Areas of Research and Education

ERC faculty and staff conduct and coordinate research and educational programs on a broad variety of natural resource management issues, including:

  • Adult and youth environmental education
  • Watershed management
  • Soil and water conservation
  • Forestry management
  • Lake management and fisheries
  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Invasive species
  • Water Quality
  • Farm energy and environmental management systems
  • Non-Industrial pollution prevention
  • Home environmental health
  • On-site residential wastewater
  • Solid and hazardous waste

Educational Activities

ERC staff direct their efforts to multiple audiences, including: landowners and property managers, local officials, resource management professionals in the public and private sectors, community groups, youth, legislators, and farmers, and others. Our outreach programs typically involve these components:

  • Developing Educational Programs and Materials
    ERC develops and provides educational programs related to our areas of research and education. Programs emphasize ecosystem management principles and practices. ERC produces printed and web-based educational materials that include fact sheets, guidance documents, posters, displays, and curricula.
  • Connecting Communities and Organizations to the UW System
    ERC conducts trainings, workshops, and demonstrations in cooperation with county, regional, and campus specialists. ERC also supports collaboration and communication, local capacity building, and the educational needs of natural resource managers with local, state, and federal governments.
  • Assessing Program Effectiveness
    ERC targets educational programs and delivery methods based on assessments of local needs and priorities. ERC conducts formal evaluations of programs and materials to gauge impacts and improve our programming

ERC draws upon faculty and staff from UW-Extension and UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. ERC staff also work closely with faculty and staff at other UW-Extension and UW-System campuses, institutes, and centers.

flower image

University of Wisconsin Extension

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