ANBP President:
Richard Ward

ANBP Executive Director:
Lynn LeBeck

Phone: 559.360.7111
Fax: 800.553.4817

What Is Biocontrol?

Biological control, or Biocontrol for short, is the practice of rearing and releasing natural enemies (predators and parasites) that seek out and destroy other insects and mites that are considered pests. Natural enemies are perfectly safe to humans and do not harm the environment. They simply reestablish the natural balance of nature. Keep in mind, however, that biocontrol does not completely eradicate pests; it keeps them at low levels. The objective of biocontrol, is to keep pest levels low enough to produce a successful crop.

The links below introduce several aspects of biocontrol. Early history reviews some of the early efforts to control pests. The beneficial insect profiles provide detailed information on a number of beneficial insects and mites. The database is a major recource for all kinds on information on biocontrol.

A major goal of ANBP involves familiarizing the public with the concept of biological control and the practical use of natural enemies to reduce the damage caused by pests.

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