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Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

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Unlocking Doors

[Photo 1: keydoor]
If you have received your invitation to one of our Unlocking Doors Initiatives, please register here.

If you have not received your invitation, we would be happy to place you on our waiting list. For information please call (202) 708-2404. Thank you for your interest.

Unlocking Doors Brochure

Free Grant Writing Training

HUD is offering 60 free Grant Writing Training workshops in 2008 from March - September. The sessions are FREE and open to the public. Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Register early for the wonderful learning opportunity! Find out more details...

Equal Treatment Regulations Web Cast

Many organizations seek guidance as to whether they can continue the religious component of their total service delivery if they receive HUD funding. Find out the answer to this and many other Equal Treatment Regulation-related questions, please view the archived web cast from April 1, 2008

HUD Resources
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Find grants & donors for your organization!
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Seek out people waiting to help your organization!
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Look for materials & information for strengthening your organization!

Want More Information?
 -   Guidance for Faith-Based and Community Organizations on Partnering with the Federal Government

Welcome to the HUD Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

President Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative originated from the simple idea that our best chance to overcome a community’s deepest problems is to tackle them from within, by welcoming those community partners who truly know how to change lives and entire communities.

As an active leader in the Initiative, HUD has set the standard in policy reforms that welcome organizations rooted in the community. We are leveling the playing field for these organizations, affording them the opportunity to effect an even greater change in neighborhoods across America. These policy changes have allowed faith-based and community organizations to make a unique impact in the lives of society’s most vulnerable citizens, channeling America’s compassion in new directions.

The Center has been producing results in its outreach to potential participants, its regulatory reform efforts, and its responsiveness to faith-based and community organizations.

Content current as of July 3, 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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