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A Federal governement representative presents a check to a community-based organization representing the Federal grant for which they successfully competed


Transforming Government


Removing Barriers

Results of Transformation

Since FY 2003, the Faith-Based and Community Initiative (FBCI) has captured and analyzed data on grants awarded by the Federal government. The scope and sophistication of the data have grown every year. 

This data collection effort on the Federal level provides firm evidence that government is welcoming both faith-based and community-based nonprofit organizations as full and equal partners. 

Download reports on the data collection effort from
2004 through 2007

1This includes only new programs established by President Bush and one program, Community Health Centers Initiative (CHCI), greatly expanded by the President.  CHCI totals count only the amount above FY 2000 levels.  Signature programs in FY 2007 include the President’s Prisoner Reentry Initiative $31 M, Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood $150 M, Access to Recovery $98 M, Compassion Capital Fund $53 M, Mentoring Children of Prisoners $49 M, PEPFAR $5.97 B, the President’s Malaria Initiative $300 M, and Community Health Centers Initiative $969 million above FY 2000 levels(total of $1,988 M).