Utah Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

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Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions

1.How can I find grants to apply for?

A. Try these techniques:
  • Subscribe to our newsletter, http://housing.utah.gov/uofbci/subscribe.html and use its tips and grants lists.
  • Go to the Salt Lake City Library (Fourth South and Second East), third floor, and use their Foundation Center Repository--a librarian will show you how to search for foundations that share your goals.
  • Research on the internet for other organizations, and for professional associations that are associated with your cause.
  • Go to your local Chamber of Commerce or Tourist Council, and ask if they have a list of clubs and organizations in your area—ask which are charitable organizations, and which might help you.
  • Collaborate with other organizations in your area, and with regional and national organizations that share your goals.
  • Ask everyone you know.
  • Assign your Board members to search, and to ask their contacts.
  • Sign up for Notifier on Grants.gov.
  • Call us to talk over other techniques

2.How do you decide what kind of grants to list in your newsletter?

A. There is a survey on our newsletter registration page, so that you can tell us what interests your organization. You can also email us at uofbci@utah.gov.

3.What if I want to see one of your past newsletters?

A. We will begin to archive them on this new website. If you’d like access to earlier issues, email us at uofbci@utah.gov.

4.Do you charge for the newsletter subscription? Can you mail it to me?

A. No and no. We do not have a mailing budget, and are unable to send it to you by mail, but do not charge for the electronic subscription. Just keep us informed if you change your email address.

5.How do I find out about training and conferences that don’t cost an arm and a leg?

A.We list some in our newsletter. You might also contact professional associations, both local and national, public agencies and foundations in your area.

6. If I try all this and still have questions, do you answer specific questions?

A. Yes. Give us a call at 801-538-8875, or email us at uofbci@utah.gov. There is no charge, although we are not available 24/7.

7.Do you know about grants to start my own business?

A.No. Try the Small Business Bureau, and your local Chamber of Commerce.

8.Is there an association in Utah for small non-profits?

A.Yes. The largest is the Utah Nonprofits Association. See the Helpful Links section.

9.How can I contact the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and what can they do for me?

A. The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (WHOFBCI) coordinates information from federal agencies, and passes on information from across the country. In addition to providing high quality training regionally and in Washington, D.C., the Office maintains a helpful website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/fbci/

10.Do you give out grants from your office?

A. No. We do not have a budget for grant-giving.