Lake Superior Sustainable Farming Association

Projects & Services

Lake Superior Farm Beginnings

Launching the Next Generation of Farmers

A project to help farmers gain skills for successful sustainable farming

The Lake Superior Sustainable Farming Association now offers this Land Stewardship Project program with classes to begin in Autumn 2008.

To learn more about the Farm Beginnings program see:

or contact director Cree Bradley:
or call (218) 834-0846

Land Stewardship Project

Lake Superior Farm Beginnings (LSFB) is a farmer-led educational training and support program designed for beginning farmers and for experienced farmers wishing to make a new beginning using sound business planning and sustainable farming methods.

LSFB participants will:
Tap the knowledge of some of the most innovative and skilled farmers operating in the Lake Superior region.
Develop lifelong friendships and networks with other beginning farmers.
Learn critical farm management skills such as creative financing and innovative marketing strategies.
See sustainable farming practices being used on real farms under a variety of conditions.
Learn to view a farm as an interconnected system and learn how goals determine farming practices.
Craft a tailor-made farming / business plan.

Lake Superior Farm Beginnings is a program of the Sustainable Farming Association, licensed by the Land Stewardship Project. LSFB provides opportunities for beginning and transitioning farmers to learn firsthand about value clarification and goal setting, whole farm planning, business plan development, marketing and distribution, financial management and low-cost, sustainable farming methods. LSFB provides 36 hours of training and hands-on learning opportunities in the form of classroom sessions, farm tours, skill sessions and mentorship opportunities. It is a 10-month training and support effort. Farmers and other agricultural professionals are the primary presenters, mentors and steering committee members. Participants can come from a variety of backgrounds and are interested in a broad spectrum of farming enterprises: beef, dairy, hogs, meat and dairy goats, sheep, poultry, wholesale vegetables, Community Supported Agriculture, organic grains, cut-flowers, cheese, maple syrup and more.


How successful is Farm Beginnings?
During the first decade, more than 300 people have completed the course through the Land Stewardship Project. Of those graduates - Over 60% of graduates are farming. Over 6,000 acres of land is owned, rented or otherwise farmed by graduates. 59% of graduates have a business plan and 98% of graduates do financial planning. 66% of graduates who are farming say their net farm income has increased an average of $12,500 since taking Farm Beginnings. 91% of graduates use conservation practices.

What are the dates for this year’s class?
In-classes sessions begin in October 2008 and run every couple weeks until March 2009. More specifically:
  • Saturday, October 25 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Saturday, November 8 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Thursday, November 20 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 4 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 18 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Thursday, January 22 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Thursday, February 5 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Thursday, February 19 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Saturday, March 7 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Thursday, March 19 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (Snow Day)
Up to 12 on-farm classes will run from April 2009 through August 2009 and will include farm tours and skill sessions. For details please refer to Draft Class Outline below.

The LSFB program will conclude with an end-of-the-year celebration for graduates, date and time TBA, in coordination with the Lake Superior Farming Association’s Farm Fest, an annual fundraiser for Farm Beginnings.

Who are the speakers and what are the topics?
Lake Superior Farm Beginnings is farmer-taught by successful, innovative farmers who are engaged in a variety of farm enterprises throughout northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. In addition, various agricultural professionals, lenders and other business constituents are resources. Farm Beginnings topics include: value clarification, goal setting, Whole Farm Planning, Holistic Management, marketing, financial planning, organization structure and low-cost sustainable farm methods.

When is the application due?
The application is due August 15, 2008. Space is limited. Only 20 participants can enroll. We encourage applicants to register early!

Are scholarships available? How do I apply for them?
A limited number of scholarships are available and are needs-based. Scholarship applications will be included in the class registration package which will be mailed to interested LSFB participants. To apply for a scholarship, you will be required to provide: 1) a narrative of your financial need, passion and capacity for farming, and willingness to give back to the program; 2) a Net-Worth Statement describing your income, expenses, assets and liabilities; and 3) a copy of your most recent tax return.

Is program registration for a single person only?
No. A participant registration includes those in the immediate farm family or enterprise. Please be considerate of other participants when determining appropriate age for bringing youth and children.

How much does the course cost and is there a deposit?
The 2008 LSFB course costs $1000. You must send a $100 non-refundable check with your application to hold your place in the class. It is not necessary to pay all at once. You can make a payment schedule. Full payment is due at the last in-class session in March 2009.

Is the course strictly for organic agriculture?
Lake Superior Farm Beginnings presents a process for making decisions about alternative farming strategies including, but not limited to, direct marketing, grass-based farming and organic methods. The program features established, successful farmers as teachers who share their experiences. LSFB focuses on helping participants make the right choice for their goals.

Do you have to be a beginning farmer to take the class?
No. The decision-making process and planning tools of the class are as useful to established farmers as they are to people wanting to begin farming. As a matter of fact, many people who have gone through the class have been farming on the side for a number of years and use the class to help them make the step into full time farming or to transition into other alternative farming strategies.

For More Information
Cree Bradley, facilitator of Lake Superior Farm Beginnings
2995 County 3, Two Harbors MN 55616
Phone: 218.834.0846

Part I: In-Class Sessions
October 2008 through March 2009

Session 1: Saturday, October 25 - Whole Farm Planning: Clarifying Values & Setting Goals (10:00 am to 4:00 pm) Session 1 introduces the framework of the Lake Superior Farm Beginnings (LSFB) course, sustainable agriculture and Whole Farm Planning - what it is, why it is central to Farm Beginnings, how it helps farmers and how to apply it to increase the success of your farm. Activities and discussions will help develop a better sense of personal values and goals and how they relate to getting into farming. There will be opportunities to network with other LSFB participants and established farmers that will help you begin to approach your farming enterprise creatively.

Session 2: Saturday, November 8 - Whole Farm Planning: Applying Holistic Principles (10:00 am to 4:00 pm) In session 2, participants will have an opportunity to share their values and goals with other LSFB participants and established farmers. Whole Farm Planning and Holistic Management will be further explored and participants begin to implement it on individual levels by gaining a better understanding of the guidelines used in holistic decision-making processes. Participants will use their 3-part goal, developed in Session 1, to practice a decision-making process that takes into account biologically-sustainable agricultural principles, values and goals, and sound economics. Finally, this session will introduce the concept of on-farm observation and monitoring through a field trip to a local farm and will increase participant skill and comfort level in using observation and monitoring as part of their Whole Farm Plan.

Session 3: Thursday, November 20 - Defining a Business Structure & Building a Business Plan (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm) Session 3 explores the value and process of writing a business plan - what a business plan is comprised of, what is involved in business planning and management and how it supports Whole Farm Planning. The session outlines a structure in which previous and future course work and farm planning can fit in. Examples of business plans will be shared. In addition, participants will develop a sense of business strengths and weaknesses that will used in understanding and developing their business structure - all the things needed to run a successful operation to include what needs to be done and who has the skills to do it. Participants will begin the process of writing their business plan.

Session 4: Thursday, December 4 - Financial Planning: The Fundamentals (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm) Session 4 examines individual beliefs about money and how those beliefs influence financial decisions. Participants learn from financial professionals about the realities of planning the financial part of a business and how to do financial planning to include determining financial projections, expenses and income, budgeting labor and doing cash-flow projections. Participants will learn how short and long term financial planning can be a tool for achieving goals, will understand the difference between traditional financial planning versus holistic financial planning, and will practice the financial process using numbers from a real or proposed enterprise. Finally, participants will learn different terms and tools that are used in financial planning to include spreadsheets, software and more.

Session 5: Thursday, December 18 - Financial Planning: Planning for Profit (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm) Session 5 deepens the knowledge of financial concepts previously discussed in session 4 by learning financial management techniques and financial realities from established farmers. Participants will learn how to plan for profit in the complex world of farming and small business management. Additional financial tools, such as Return on Investment, Gross Profit Analysis and other tools are introduced and demonstrated as a means to further understand the long-term viability of a farm enterprise.

Session 6: Thursday, January 22 - Creating a Marketing and Distribution Strategy (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm) Session 6 develops knowledge of basic marketing concepts and planning processes - why marketing is important, the 4 marketing P's (product, price, placement and promotion), and how to put it all together in a plan. Participants will develop knowledge of trends in marketing and farm businesses - what customers want, the power of the marketplace and how to make the marketplace work for farmers as they pursue their goals. Participants will learn about marketing opportunities, creative marketing alternatives and marketing challenges that exist in the Lake Superior region and will see how various farmers have chosen to sell their products.

Session 7: Thursday, February 5 - Realities from the Field: Refining a Marketing & Business Plan (6:30 to 9:30 pm) Session 7 provides real-life farm examples from a range of marketing, distribution and business strategies and address specific marketing, distribution and production aspects of particular farm businesses. Participants will learn how various farmers have chosen to sell their product to achieve their holistic goal. Time will be dedicated for participants to work on and refine their business and marketing plans. Established farmers will be present to assist with business planning questions.

Session 8: Thursday, February 19 - Connecting with Resources and Class Presentations (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm) Session 8 provides participants with resources and connections to resources that are available to help establish their farm enterprise. These resources will broaden the foundation of support as participants begin and continue their farming ventures. In addition, information is shared about ways farmers can get involved in leadership opportunities within their communities, the state and nationally. Finally, participants will present a plan for their farm enterprise to an audience of LSFB class participants and a panel of established farmers. Presentations will highlight participant’s enterprise ideas and their business and marketing plan of action with as much detail as the beginning or established farmer feels ready for. Feedback will be given by established farmers to help participants move closer to their goals and to provide motivation and encouragement to step out on their own.

Session 9: Saturday, March 7 - Identifying Next Steps and Class Presentations (10:00 am to 4:00 pm) Session 9 provides a synthesis of the sessions and culmination of work done throughout the course. Participant presentations continue and the next phase of the program, the on-farm component, is addressed. Mentorship Meeting (Optional): Saturday, March 7 - After Session 9 and Dinner Break (5:30 pm to 7:30 pm) An optional mentorship meeting will be held following session 9 for LSFB participants who might be interested in pursuing a direct mentorship opportunity with a regional farmer. The mentorship meeting will address mentorship opportunities that exist in the region via internships, employment, technical assistance arrangements and other networking arrangements. Established farmers who provide mentorship opportunities will be invited to the meeting and time will be dedicated for informal dialogue amongst students and farmers. The LSFB program does not guarantee mentorship opportunities for all LSFB students and does not provide payment or over site for mentorship arrangements. The LSFB program does however, work to gather mentorship opportunities that exist in our region and individually connect interested LSFB participants and farmers to one another in ways that would mutually benefit one another.

Snow Day (If Needed): Thursday, March 19 (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm) A make-up day is planned in case any classes need to get canceled or re-arranged due to a winter snow storm. Mentorship Meeting (Optional): Saturday, March 7 - After Session 9 and Dinner Break (5:30 pm to 7:30 pm) An optional mentorship meeting will be held following session 9 (after a dinner on-your-own break) for LSFB participants who might be interested in pursuing a direct mentorship opportunity with a regional farmer. The mentorship meeting will address mentorship opportunities that exist in the region via internships, employment, technical assistance arrangements and other networking arrangements. Established farmers who provide mentorship opportunities will be invited to the meeting and time will be dedicated for informal dialogue amongst students and farmers. The LSFB program does not guarantee mentorship opportunities for all LSFB students and does not provide payment or over site for mentorship arrangements. The LSFB program does however, work hard to gather mentorship opportunities that exist in our region and individually connect interested LSFB participants and mentor farmers to one another in ways that would mutually benefit one another.

Part II: On-Farm Sessions - April 2009 through August 2009
The on-farm sessions are an important part of the Farm Beginnings educational experience. Farmers demonstrate firsthand through farm tours how they raise food and fiber using methods that are economically and environmentally sound. In addition, up to three skill sessions are incorporated into each on-farm class allowing participants to learn very specific tasks related to the farm enterprise being visited. Up to 12 on-farm sessions will be scheduled. Sessions are optional and will be organized throughout the winter based on participant enterprise interest and learning needs. Towards the end of the winter sessions, dates and locations will be announced and a sign-up sheet will be passed to secure attendance for each farm tour.

Part III: Farm Fest Graduation
2009 Graduation Event and Lake Superior Farm Beginnings Fundraiser All Lake Superior Farm Beginnings graduates are encouraged to attend the Sustainable Farming Association’s end-of-the-year potluck picnic celebration! The event is free for graduates and is meant to celebrate the completion of the course and to further welcome you to our farming community. In addition, Farm Fest is open to the public as a fundraiser opportunity for the next Lake Superior Farm Beginnings course. The annual Farm Fest is held at various farm locations each year. Perhaps one day it will be at your farm! The 2009 Farm Fest date, time and location is to be determined.