Interdisciplinary Studies Program in Organic Agriculture

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Our Program

Organic food and fiber production without the use of synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers is the fastest-growing sector of the agricultural industry, fueled by consumer demand in both North America and Europe. The Interdisciplinary Studies Program in Organic Agriculture at Colorado State University provides a unique opportunity to study the science of organic production. Our program builds on a base of fundamental agricultural sciences with additional courses on organic agricultural methods, management and marketing.


Click here to see our brochure in PDF format.

Organic Produce

Our Students

This program is for agriculture and horticulture students considering a career in organic food production, or for any student concerned about the environmental and sociological impacts of conventional agricultural practices and interested in alternative approaches. Participating students are enrolled at Colorado State University and receive their degree from their home department, with completion of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program recorded on their official transcripts.


Click here to see the concentration's requirement sheet.




Department of Soil & Crop Sciences 127 Plant Sciences (Campus Delivery 1170)

Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523-1170

Phone: 970-491-6501, Fax: 970-491-0564 Our url:

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  111 Shepardson (Campus Delivery 1173)

Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173

Phone: 970-491-7019, Fax: 970-491-7745 Our url:

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Updated December 2, 2008