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Changing Lives


Signature Presidential Initiatives

The Faith-Based and Community Initiative (FBCI) has worked with Federal agencies to design and promote pilot programs that reorient the way government solves problems away from large and bureaucratic systems toward partnering with faith-based and community-based organizations that are small, local, faith-friendly, and personal. These programs have been announced and promoted by President Bush as the signature programs that reflect the vision to enlist, equip, enable, empower, and expand the work of faith-based and community-based organizations. 

Prisoner Re-entry Initiative (PRI)

Mentoring Children of Prisoners (MCP)

Access to Recovery (ATR)

President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

President's Malaria Initiative (PMI)

President's Health Center Initiative

Educational Opportunities for Disadvantaged Youth

Compassion Capital Fund (CCF)