Welcome to UMass MRSEC
Overview of Center
Welcome to the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
The Center unites the efforts of 40 faculty from 7 departments (Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Polymer Science and Engineering) of the University, and has research collaborations and outreach programs with over 12 other institutions. The Center builds on a tradition of excellence in multidisciplinary research and education in polymer science and engineering in Amherst that has been fostered by 29 years of support from the National Science Foundation for interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of polymer science.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 10 December 2008 )
Education & Outreach
The MRSEC at the University of Massachusetts is committed to interdisciplinary education in polymer science and engineering. This commitment to excellence in education extends beyond the University of Massachusetts. Strong educational and research ties with Smith and Mount Holyoke (two nearby women’s colleges), Howard University (a traditionally African American institution), and Harvey Mudd College are well established. Two highly successful K-12 educational programs developed by MRSEC-supported graduate students continue to excel and expand. The Center continues a very successful Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program. The Center’s successful Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program has been augmented by students working in nanotechnology and in biopolymer physics with support from other sources. With MRSEC support, a Northeast Complex Fluids Workshop and the New England workshop in Chemistry stimulate inter-institutional collaborations. The Center continued support of inter-MRSEC collaborations through its Spring Workshop on Long Interactions in Polymer Technologies.
Last Updated ( Saturday, 10 March 2007 )
Education Nuggets
Research Nuggets


Education NuggetsThe recently launched VISUAL program, where images obtained by researchers at the Center in the course of their studies, are framed along with a description of the image in plain English, has received nationally acclaim from Nikon in their Small World Exhibition. One image (Frazzled) from the VISUAL program has been included within the Nikon 2004-2005 Gallery. Images from VISUAL have been used in the New Jersey State Science Museum which included their Super Science Weekend and are now being hung in the Franklin Medical Center, Greenfield, MA, reaching directly to the public. VISUAL was also highlighted by the Optical Society of America in Optics and Photonics News and the American Chemical Society in Chemical and Engineering News for its originality in bringing science to the public sector. (L.Strzegowski, T.P. Russell, Microscopy Today, May 2004)

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 25 November 2008 )