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Nano Science, Engineering and Technology

Seminar Announcements

Nanoscale High Field Chemistry With the Atomic Force Microscope and Patterning
Marco Rolandi
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Thursday, January 15, 2009
11:00am - 12:00 noon
EMSL Boardroom

Greener Nano 2009 Greener Nano 2009—4th Annual Greener Nanoscience Conference & Program Review
March 2-3, 2009
Invitrogen Corporation
Eugene, Oregon
January 19 abstract deadline
Invitation to Present at
Nano 2009

June 23-26, 2009
Edmonton, Alberto, Canada
Call for Papers!
Battelle Nano Brochure
Battelle's Nanoscience Brochure - View Only

Nano law report
 Nanotechnology Law  Report (July 2008)

NANO Science, Engineering,
and Technology

Welcome to the technological revolution. There is no doubt that nanoscience and nanotechnology are revolutionary quests that will transform almost everything we do, the way we live and work, and the organizations around us.

We are pleased to be participants in this important technical work. For our part, we are on a journey to preeminence in nanomaterials and nanobiology. We are building superior fundamental science capabilities. We realize the intersection of physical, biological and information sciences is where much of the scientific history of the 21st century will be written. It is where solutions to the most pressing problems will be found.

Nanoscience and nanotechnology is a major thrust for our laboratory. We plan to bring expertise in materials synthesis and characterization to bear on the opportunities in nanoscience and technology. By precisely manipulating atoms and molecules-the very building blocks of nature-our research could yield safe, just-in-time sources of hydrogen for a wide range of energy applications, new instruments to observe chemical processes in living cells, and miniaturized sensors to detect pathogens in foods and the environment.

We are committed to moving science to the market place. The ability to see applications and develop commercial products is important to us. So we are strengthening our engineering and technology capabilities. With nanoscience we will discover new properties, create improved functionalities and press these gains forward to new devices and systems. We are eager to make revolutionary strides in putting nanotechnology to work for the benefit of humanity.

We believe the way we do our work is very important. We realize that collaboration and teamwork are absolutely essential. The complexity of the technical challenges we face requires this. Furthermore we gladly seek to work as partners with other laboratories, universities, companies and others. Let us work together on this exciting journey.

Hot off the Press!

Public comments open until January 20, 2009

Educational Opportunities

October 2008

Nanoscale Research Safety Program
PNNL's Nanoscale Research Safety Program

Past Workshops





Nanotechnology Library

Regional Partners

National User Facilities Relevant to Nanoscience

DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers

National Science Foundation - National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN)

PNNL's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)

Advanced Processing Engineering Laboratory (APEL)

University of Washington Nanotech User Facility