U.S. Department of Agriculture

Washington, D.C. 20250





 SUBJECT: Imprest Fund Authorities and Requirements



January 10, 1986

 OPI: Office of Finance and Management




This regulation sets policies and guidelines for the use of imprest funds.



Agency heads must ensure that agency imprest funds are operated within the requirements of this regulation, the Treasury Manual of Procedures and Instructions for Cashiers, and the National Finance Center External Procedures Manual, Title II, Chapter 6, section 1, Imprest Funds and Field Party Advances.

 The maximum per-transaction spending limit for normal day-to-day cash expenditures is $500. Agency heads or their designees may approve emergency imprest fund cash transactions over $500 when there is sufficient written justification.

 Agency heads or their designees may permit imprest funds to be placed in depositary accounts for demand cash withdrawal purposes only. Any depositary use must be in accordance with the instructions and guidelines published in Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual Bulletin 85-13.



 a Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual 4-3000

b TFRM Bulletin No. 85-13

c Manual of Procedures and Instructions for Cashiers, a supplement to the Treasury Financial Manual

d USDA National Finance Center External Procedures Manual, Title II, Chapter 6, section 1, Imprest Funds and Field Party Advances

e 31 CFR Part 202, Depositaries and Financial Agents of the Government



 Fund advances to cashiers are generally made by a check or a number of checks. This practice ensures that there will not be cash in a cashier's possession in excess of current needs. Since all cash is carried at the cashier's own risk, each cashier must ensure that the amount of cash on hand is kept to a minimum consistent with local needs, and that facilities are available for properly safeguarding funds from loss or theft. Fund levels must be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3 of the Treasury Manual of Procedures and Instructions for Cashiers.



All imprest fund cashiers and immediate supervisory or administrative oversight personnel must follow the guidelines for reimbursement voucher submission accountability reports and verification of funds in the Treasury Manual of Procedures and Instructions for Cashiers and the NFC External Procedures Manual. An agency official (other than the cashier or cashier's subordinate who is familiar with the office's procurement, financial, and budgetary requirements must approve reimbursement vouchers before they are submitted to the NFC.



 a In cities where there is a Regional Disbursing Office, emergency salary payments must be made through issuance of a Treasury check.

b In cities where there is no Regional Disbursing Office, emergency salary payments may be made from imprest funds to:

(1) an employee who was not issued a check on the scheduled payday because of administrative error or delay in processing necessary documents

(2) a new employee, if waiting for the normal payday would impose a serious financial hardship

(3) an employee whose paycheck is for less than 90 percent of the net amount due because of administrative error

c Emergency salary payments must not be made from imprest funds

 (1) for time in excess of hours actually worked

 (2) for overtime or premium pay

 (3) to make Up for amounts collected through salary offset for outstanding debts owed the Government

(4) to replace paychecks issued but lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated, or not received (see Treasury Fiscal Manual, Volume I, Part 4, section 7050.25a for procedures covering issuance of substitute salary checks).



Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Finance and Management, Financial Management Division, 382-1200.