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Food Safety
Field Lettuce
Workers pack lettuce in the Salinas Valley.





  • Scientific Status Summary on organic foods -- A review that discusses the differences between organic foods and conventional foods with respect to food safety and nutritional composition.
  • Western Institute for Food Safety and Security
    WIFSS is bringing together multi-institutional strengths to assure California food is safety and secure.
  • FoodSafe Program
    Food safety consumer advice, food industry resources, and information on food safety "hot topics."
  • Center for Consumer Research
    Research focusing on consumer attitudes toward food safety and quality. The center has Web sites with detailed information on biotechnology and food irradiation.
  • Seafood Network Information Center
    Comprehensive food safety and nutrition information about seafood.
  • UC FoodSafety
    Presentations, publications, and other websites with information related to the production, harvest, and processing of foods. The emphasis is on microbial food safety but many other subjects related to food such as biotechnology, food quality and food security are also addressed.