Combining disease detection and protection for hydroponics and agriculture

Hydros, Inc - Environmental Diagnostics


We produce environmental diagnostic disease detection and safe preservative solutions for bacterial, fungal and viral contamination in agricultural products and aquatic systems.


Product Preservatives - Effective anti microbial treatment and preventatives for products having bacterial, fungal or viral growth problems.


Plant Diagnostics

Our Agricheck Kits perform "On Site" detection of bacteria, fungi, viruses and chemical targets in plants.



Hydroponic Plant Safe Preservatives - Safely control unwanted microbial growth in liquids fertilizers and maintain efficient balance of all essential macronutrients and trace elements with no protein denaturation.


Hydroponic Supplements - OEM product development for fertilizer components . Natural Elicitors ,100% organic fertilizers, Oligosaccharides, OMRI certified reagents.


Molecular Development Tools - Hydros offers a range of preactivated diagnostic supports including Streptavidin, protein capture and covalent antibody and antigen capture.



Aquaculture - Bacteria and patented delivery systems for nitrification, denitrification, BOD reduction in impacted pond systems. Antimicrobial reagents as a necessary tool to manage infectious diseases.


What's New in
the Lab

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Send us a problem sample and we will provide the solution.

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508-.759.5994 or
email us

Last Updated:  July 7, 2006

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