ISDA's Noxious Weed Cost Share Program

The centerpiece of Idaho's Strategic Plan for Managing Noxious Weeds is the creation of Cooperative Weed Management Areas to mobilize all landowners in an area to work together in stopping the spread of invasive weeds. To accomplish this, the cooperators will use an integrated approach through the development of Integrated Weed Management Plans, to bring available resources and effective weed-fighting techniques to combat the growing invasive weed problem.

The primary purpose of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture's (ISDA's) noxious weed cost share grant program is to accelerate the attack on invasive weeds by supplementing local funds and resources, not replacing them. Cost sharing is also intended to provide additional incentives for local landowners, officials, and citizens to work collaboratively to develop a more comprehensive and effective noxious weed management program. Through strengthening on-the-ground management the major economic and environmental impacts can be more effectively mitigated, improving the quality of life for all Idahoans.

***2009 Cost Share Application Information***

2008 Cost Share Program Documents

ISDA Noxious Weed Cost Share Grant Policy

Cost share grants are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for county or agency funds, or for costs that should legitimately be borne by landowners, consistent with the Idaho Noxious Weed Law. Rather, they are to be used as a supplement to the resources of landowners and county, state, and federal partners, particularly where a true resource crisis exists and for which delaying action for lack of resources would lead to accelerated resource deterioration and economic loss.

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