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Web advertising

The NGWA Web site, www.ngwa.org, is your link to thousands of people in the ground water industry.


Your company's banner advertisement can be on the front page of any of the areas of the Web site, excluding www.ngwa.org's home page.


Averaging more than 70,000 total visitors and 300,000 page requests per month, www.ngwa.org is the world's source for ground water information. The Web site has earned its reputation as "one of the best sites in the scientific community."


Web site advertising is an easy and inexpensive way to increase your company's exposure in an international arena.


What better way to increase your visibility in the ground water market than with an ad on www.ngwa.org or www.wellowner.org, NGWA's companion site geared to private well owners.


Banner ads are only...

  • $850/month
  • $2,300/three months

To place an ad, contact Shelby Fleck at 800 551.7379 (614 898.7791) or sfleck@ngwa.org.