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NGWREF Darcy Lecture Series

To foster interest and excellence in ground water science and technology, the Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Ground Water Science was established in 1986. The series—which has reached more than 70,000 ground water students, faculty members, and professionals—honors Henry Darcy of France for his scientific discoveries of 1856. Darcy's investigations established the physical basis upon which ground water hydrogeology has been studied ever since.


Annually, a panel of scientists and engineers invites an outstanding ground water professional to share his or her work with their peers and students. Today, the National Ground Water Research and Educational Foundation sponsors the Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Ground Water Science in response to invitations from universities throughout the world. No fee is charged to attend the NGWREF Darcy Lecture Series. The first presentation outside of North America was made in 1993.


If you have questions about the Darcy Lecture Series, contact Barbette Howell at bhowell@ngwa.org or 800 551.7379 (614 898.7791), ext. 568.