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Information briefs

NGWA is developing a series of information briefs on issues as they relate to ground water. Please bookmark this page and check back for others as they become available.

  • What is enhanced ground water storage? In the face of concern about the depletion of ground water reserves and the potential reduction in surface water flows that result, ground water storage projects are being implemented throughout the United States. These ground water storage projects may employ wells to pump water underground for storage and later recovery. Read more about enhanced ground water storage (PDF).
  • What is geologic carbon sequestration and what does it mean to ground water? The disposal of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the subsurface via well injection, also known as geologic carbon sequestration or carbon capture and storage (CCS), is one of a portfolio of technologies under consideration as a viable approach to mitigating greenhouse gas buildup. Recognizing that this option for carbon capture holds great promise, it is important to understand it also has the potential to endanger underground sources of drinking water if proper safeguards are not taken. Read more about geologic carbon sequestration (PDF).